  • 學位論文


Analysis the transformation of business models – case study of a watchwinder company

指導教授 : 施信佑


摘要 台灣從早期1960年代的進口替代、1970年代的出口導向,都著重在利用台灣的低成本優勢追求市場的擴充,在國際經濟分工體系中取得重要地位。然而,從1990年代開始,由於台幣的巨幅升值以及勞力、土地成本的增加,使得台灣的企業條件以及外在環境有了急劇的變化,而產業模式也從過去的勞力密集轉向高科技產業與精密零件、半成品產業發展;台灣企業從原本的單純代工走向自行研發設計,有了創新產品的觀念,由OEM轉變成具備設計能力的ODM。 近年來更因為國際市場的快速變遷,台灣過去擅長的代工業務模式也因後進國家具備更低廉的成本優勢競爭下,逐漸被取代。在產業環境變動的壓力下,台灣被迫開始思考企業轉型,許多代工廠商紛紛思索轉往附加價值較高的專利、技術或品牌為主的活動領域,企圖擺脫高市占率卻低毛利的窘境。政府亦開始積極推動從「製造台灣」轉型成為「品牌台灣」,促使產業升級,扶持台灣企業發展品牌,拓展國際市場。因此,品牌不僅影響台灣產業的競爭力,更是促使國家繁榮的重要關鍵。 然而,台灣多數中小型企業,資源與能力有限,而且改變原本熟練的經營模式,也會為企業帶來營運上的衝突與能力落差,再者,發展自有品牌策略所需資源門檻偏高,是否所有廠商都適合也都有能力負荷?杜子寰、吳思華〈2005〉就認為台灣廠商不要因為製造面臨激烈競爭,就一窩峰轉向經營「自有品牌」,應該先思考如何提升自身競爭力,成為領先品牌產業價值鏈中的重要成員,因為會做生產不見得會做品牌,但若無法維持生產品質則絕對無法做品牌,因為生產製造仍是品牌的核心。因此,台灣廠商若想將品牌行銷到國際市場,OEM/ODM的經營哲學以及營運模式必須重新規劃調整,自有品牌才能建立並且行銷全球。 關鍵字: OEM、ODM、OBM、經營模式、經營模式轉型


OEM ODM OBM 經營模式 經營模式轉型


Abstract The government’s trade policy emphasized the relentless persuit of market expansion by taking the advantage of low production costs. It helped Taiwan achieve an important position in the international division of labor in 1960s and 1970s. However, the situation turned dramaticly when the great appreciation of NT dollar and the increases in the cost of labor and land occured in 1990s. Due to the change of the business and econimic condition industries in Taiwan were forced to reaim their business model from labor intensive to production and integration high tech conponents. Companies started to think and practice the fields of design and innovation for product development and then gratually tranforming from OEM to ODM. Due to the change of the international market situation, Taiwan’s OEM business were challenged and replaced by those countries which with lower production costs. To deal with the predicament of high market share but low margin situation, many companies planned to shift their focuses to the activities of high value-added, such as patent, technology, and branding. The government policy “Branding Taiwan” has also helped revitalize the Taiwan’s industiral upgrading movement in productivity. Obviously, own branding and manufacturing can not only enhance the competitiveness of the industry in Taiwan, but also expand the nation’s properity. The majority of the companies in Taiwan are small to medium size and most of them have limited resources and capabilities. There might be higher prosbility to experience conflicts and to deal with the capability gaps during the transfromation process. Du and Wu (2005) suggest that “branding” does not guarantee success; manufacturers need to come up with better strategies in improving self competitiveness and becoming an important partner in the value chain of a leading brand before diving into establishing own brand. Even though manufacturers in Taiwan are fully equipped with production skills – considered the core of a brand, the philosophy as well as the management are very different between ODM and OBM. Companies will have to learn to make all necessary changes if they wish to establish an international brand. Keywords:OEM、ODM、OBM、Business Model、Business Model Tranformation


OEM ODM OBM Business Model Busines Model Transformation


