  • 學位論文


A Research on the Development of the Saxophone Industry in Houli Region and K.H.S.

指導教授 : 周學政


2004年至2006年工研院以台中縣后里地區為歷史悠久、全國知名之薩克斯風製造群聚地而當地廠商進行輔導的工作。而此一計畫主要目的是希望藉由政府的技術與資金,協助后里地區廠商擺脫廉價代工的情況。此外,功學社則是台灣另一個薩克斯風的重要生產單位,並擁有與后里地區不同的薩克斯風生產結構與規模。 透過本研究瞭解,后里地區在薩克斯風生產上的垂直分工模式與強調手工技術的製程位置上,面對現今全球勞力市場轉移的衝擊,需要做出較大的調整。在政府單位對后里廠商的輔導方面,則因優於行銷、廣告但缺乏生產上的整合而無法達到大幅的實質協助。另一方面,功學社的薩克斯風生產則因有較高程度的垂直整合與經營長久的品牌形象,因此在產業環境變動下能夠以自身的量產與品牌在產業價值鏈中擁有較高的獲利與優勢。 自Poter (1990)提出產業群聚的概念後,學界出現許多不同層面的解釋,嘗試歸納產業群聚形成的原因,並提出後續競爭優劣勢的分析。許多研究認為大多數的產業可以經由產業群聚的方式並透過地理的鄰近性獲得所謂的外部經濟效益或在地鑲嵌關係而提高整體產業的競爭優勢。 但是其實產業群聚的優勢展現與聚集經濟的有無或強度會依照各產業的產業特性、製造結構與發展歷程而有所不同,而非一概皆有。如目前后里地區的薩克斯風產業群聚就因為製程與生產鏈上的特徵因此較為缺乏群聚的利基存在。


后里 功學社 薩克斯風產業


From 2004 to 2006, Industrial Technology Research Institute, ITRI, devised a consulting program for saxophone manufacturers in Houli region. The purpose of this program is to utilize government funding and technologies to help those saxophone manufacturers upgrade their business from current OEM operations with low profit margin. In addition, K.H.S is also a major saxophone manufacturer in Taiwan, and it has a different scale and process of manufacturing from those in Houli region. The purpose of this research is to understand how manufacturers in Houli region should change their vertically-integrated and hand-made production process in order to face the challenge from countries with low labor cost. The consulting program conducted by ITRI focused more on marketing strategies than process integration, so the program was not as effective as it was expected to be. On the contrary, K.H.S has a highly integrated production process and a established brand name, so it can continue to maintain its profit margin and competitive advantage regardless of the change of the industry. Since Poter (1990) proposed the concept of industrial cluster, researchers have been trying to find out the reasons of the formation of industrial clusters and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Most researches show that external economic effects or competitive advantage can be achieved by industrial clusters through geographical proximity or local embeddness. However, the effect of competitive advantage and economy of agglomeration varies depending on industry characteristics, production process, and history of evolution. The research shows that the saxophone industrial cluster in Houli region does not create the competitive edge as expected.


Houli K.H.S Saxophone Industry


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