  • 學位論文


The Change and Meaning in the Urban Edge-Hills Space:A Case Study of Chih Shan Yen Cultural and Historical Park in Taipei City

指導教授 : 潘朝陽


本文主要透過都市郊山空間的轉變,來闡述都市空間生產所呈現的空間性是歷史性與社會性交織的結果。主要藉由列斐伏爾的空間生產理論來分析芝山岩自清代以來,歷經日治殖民統治,光復後國民政府遷台迄今景觀的疊置、空間的改造。不同時期的空間性展現是一連串動態過程的影響結果;相對地,空間記錄了不同時間、不同社會結構互動下所建構出的特色與風貌。空間的生產涉入了歷史的創造、以及社會關係或社會的組成。 清代時的芝山岩呈顯的「拓墾空間」至後期的「文教空間」,是清代歷史發展脈絡下的空間特色,而空間的表象乃地方菁英,地方菁英影響著空間實踐,表現了前現代社會的庶民的生活受到地方菁英的指揮之社會關係運作型態。日治時期,殖民政府的國家力量進入,芝山岩雖成立第一所現代教育之學校,但此後的空間呈現濃厚的「殖民空間」特色。地方菁英們被收編入正式的地方行政組織內,國家奪取了對空間規劃支配的力量。光復後的芝山岩,空間仍然受到國家力量的支配,空間的實踐因空間表象的為與不為而有不同的呈顯。因此拔去殖民者所賦加的空間,因應保衛中樞的「軍事空間」出現;但外省軍民及城鄉移民陸續在芝山岩及其附近形成大量違建,直至民國69~70年,才予以搬遷拆除,違建戶所遺之房屋基座與「雨農化」之地名,仍然在空間實踐上可見。面積不大的芝山岩長久以來,就這樣不斷地被地方菁英、國家賦予新的空間實踐與意涵。 解嚴後的芝山岩的空間演變,在國家權力的下放,環境保育、古蹟保存風潮帶領下,市民社會興起、社區意識、民眾參與日漸熱絡的時代背景中,空間的表象與再現的空間等不同主體:國家、空間專業規劃者與不同角度取向的當地居民們密切而複雜的互動,促使了史蹟公園的成立與空間規劃方向。作者希望指出芝山岩史蹟公園的規劃與施工期間,雖然各種不同主體在不同層次,有著彼此合謀或鬥爭的複雜關係,但因為期間能有民眾不斷地加入,終能使芝山岩愈顯多元,符合更多使用者的期待,在空間生產中空間再現之民眾力量也終於得以顯現。芝山岩的空間既是這些歷史性與社會性的複雜互動下的結果,也是歷史的創造及社會結構與社會關係的工具。


芝山岩 空間 空間生產 名山里 都市郊山


The Production of Space is a historical and social result. The thesis depends on Henri Lefebvre's The Production of Space to analyze the urban's edge-hills and the space reconstruction in the Chih Shan Yen from Qing Dynasty Japanese colonial period to present. A series of dynamic processes result diverse characteristics in different periods. In addition, space records characteristics between diverse period and diverse social structure. Therefore, The Production of Space highly relates to history, social relation and social composition. First of all, the Chih Shan Yen displayed from cultivated space in the early Qing Dynasty to cultural and educational in the late Qing Dynasty, which was the historical characteristic of the Qing Dynasty. Local leaders influenced spatial practice. Spatial practice showed vulgar life, which is affected by local leader, in different periods. Secondly, during Japanese colonial period (1985 to 1945), Local leaders entered local government and Japanese colony’s strength expanded. The Chih Shan Yen showed strong colonial characteristic although it made the first modern school. Kuomintang Government still dominated the Chih Shan Yen after 1945. Therefore, spatial practice showed diverse appearance for space representation. For military space, Kuomintang Government removed colony characteristic and then citizen and soldier constructed a lot of illegal houses. Until 1981, Kuomintang government demolished illegal houses. The leaving foundation and name, Yu Nong, showed spatial practice. Therefore, the Chih Shan Yen showed new spatial practice and meaning, which were made by local leader and government. After 1987, Because of the demising government power, the environmental protection, the community, and the excavation, the government and professionals planned the Chih Shan Yen Cultural and Historical Park by interaction with citizenship. This thesis expresses complicated relationship between integration and conflict in the construction of the Chih Shan Yen Cultural and Historical Park. Moreover, citizen took part in the construction of the Chih Shan Yen Cultural and Historical Park to make it diverse and citizen satisfied. Not only the historical and social result but also the interaction of social relation and social structure constructed the present Chih Shan Yen.


Edward Relph
Edward W.Soja


