  • 學位論文


The Effects of the Health Educational Intervention on Infectious Disease Prevention for Preschool Staffs

指導教授 : 黃松元


本研究目的在探討傳染病防制教育介入對教保人員傳染病防制知識、態度、行為之影響效果。採準實驗設計(quasi-experimental design)之「實驗組、對照組前測、後測、後後測設計」,立意取樣,實驗組(37人)和對照組(33人),共70位。介入前,兩組學員接受前測,為學習評量實驗效果的比較基準。實驗組接受三次(共六小時)傳染病防制教學活動,對照組不接受任何實驗處理,介入後,兩組學員進行後測,評量介入立即效果。衛生教育結束四週後,進行後後測問卷追蹤其延宕效果。資料以描述性統計、單因子共變數分析、重複量數單因子共變數分析等統計方法進行分析,結果顯示:傳染病防制教育介入對傳染病防制知識、行為之立即效果及延宕效果顯著。對「傳染病防制態度」之立即效果及延宕效果不顯著。教學活動之評價,整體而言,學員多給予正面評價,有八成以上認為課程整體規畫有助學習,九成以上肯定教師教學能力。 研究者根據研究結果加以討論,並進一步提出教保人員傳染病防制教育課程的應用與未來研究之建議。


The objective of this study was to explore the effects of health educational intervention on infectious disease prevention for the cognition, attitude, and behavior of preschool staff. A quasi-experimental design including the pre-test, post-test, and post post-test for both groups was performed. Purposeful sampling was employed from the local fulltime preschool staff in the Kaohsiung area. A total of the 70 subjects were recruited, and then divided into the two groups, experimental and control, with 37 and 33 subjects respectively. Both the experimental and control groups took the pre-test in order to set a baseline. However, only the experimental group obtained the health educational intervention of the infectious disease prevention for two hours by three times. In order to evaluate the instant influence of the educational intervention, both groups took the post-test immediately after the intervention. Four weeks after the educational intervention, both groups took the post post-test to follow up on the delayed effect of the education. Finally, data collected from this study were analyzed using various statistical methods, such as the descriptive statistics, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and repeat measure ANCOVA. The findings of this study indicate that the cognition and behavior towards to the infectious disease prevention for preschool staffs were effectively improved by the health educational intervention. However, the attitude of the infectious disease prevention for preschool staffs was less improved. As for the teaching activity, on the whole, the subjects returned with a positive response. More than 80% of subjects agreed that curriculum planning was helpful in their learning to become a better preschool staff. Furthermore, the instructor’s teaching ability was positively support by more than 90% of the subjects. Based on the above findings, the application and the future research of the infectious disease prevention curriculum for preschool staff are recommended.




