  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 唐淑華


本研究採取行動研究的方法,探討一個新手導師面班級經營挫折後,如何調整自己的班級經營策略來建立良好的班級氣氛。研究者分析良好班級氣氛的關鍵因素,分成兩個部分來探討,第一個是師生關係,第二個是親師關係。探索期著手從這兩部分調整班級的經營策略,調整後依據可行策略於行動期繼續加深加強實施,並從中持續反思需調整改進部分,以期找到適合新手導師的良好班級經營策略。 為達研究目的,本研究所蒐集的資料包括:學生的生活札記、學習單、訪談記錄,以及研究者本身的省思日記、現場觀察、與學生及家長的個別談話等文件,來檢視整體班級經營成效的改變情形。 經過探索期與行動期的調整,針對新手導師的班級經營策略,顯示出以下結論: 一、建立良好師生關係的班級經營策略: (一)以民主方式領導學生,配合導師個人特質,找出自己所認同的中心價值觀。 (二)運用教育理論於班級經營中。 (三)以情感交流做為師生關係建立的基礎。 (四)設計各式班級活動,增進師生及同學間的情感。 (五)尊重每一個孩子的個別差異。 二、建立良好親師關係的班級經營策略: (一)主動與學生家長聯絡,針對特殊需求孩子進行家庭訪問。 (二)透過各式活動來增進親師及親子間的情感。 (三)以正向的態度面對家長的質疑。 三、研究者的省思與成長 (一)嚴格管理之餘,不忘情感交流。 (二)不需要過份在意學生不成熟的回應。 (三)每一個孩子與家長都是自己生命中的貴人。 (四)找到適合多數學生的模式,也給予少數學生彈性管理空間。 (五)從問題中開始行動,從行動中發現問題。


This study took the action research to explore a primary tutor teacher who modified the class management strategies to create good class atmospheres after she had faced the frustration about the class management. The researcher analyzed the key factors of good class atmospheres and divided them into two parts to explore. One was the relationship between the teacher and students, and the other was between the teacher and parents. During the exploration period, the researcher modified the class management strategies from the two parts. During the action period, according to the available strategies, the researcher kept acting and reflecting the improvements in order to find out the good strategies appropriate to the class management. To achieve the purposes of this study, the data collected by the researcher included; the students’ diary, learning sheets, interview transcripts, the researcher’s reflection, a series of interviews, observations and documentary analyses. The main findings of this study were included as follows: 1. The class management strategies to create a good relationship between the teacher and students (1) Leading students by a democratic way and fitting in with the teacher’s personal characters to find the center values which the teacher identifies herself with them. (2) Exercising the education theories on the class management. (3) Creating the relationship between the teacher and students with emotional interactions. (4) Designing different kinds of activities to increase the emotions of the teacher and students. (5) Respecting the individual differences of each student. 2. The class management strategies to create a good relationship between the teacher and parents (1) Showing great initiative in contacting and interviewing with parents, especially IV with the special needs students’ parents (2) Increasing the emotions of the teacher, students and parents by different kinds of activities. (3) Facing the questions of parents with a positive attitude. 3. The researcher’s reflection and growth (1) Being strict with students, but being emotional, too. (2) Don’t take the students’ immature reactions too seriously. (3) Each student and parents are important persons in my life. (4) Finding the models appropriate to the most students and giving some students a flexible management space. (5) Acting from problems and finding problems from acting.




