  • 學位論文


A Study Investigating the Learning Effect of CPR Instruction in an Elementary School, Taipei

指導教授 : 胡益進


本研究是以心肺復甦術教學做為實驗介入,進行類實驗性研究。經由教育介入後比較國小四、五、六年級學生心肺復甦術的學習成效及探討影響學習成效的相關因素。研究母群體為臺北市文山區某國小九十八學年度第一學期之四、五、六年級(合計十八班)所有在學學生共488人,經分層集束抽樣法(cluster sampling)分別抽取四、五、六年級各三個班為實驗組(有教育介入),三個班為對照組(無教育介入)。在教育介入前、後分別進行心肺復甦術知識、態度、行為意圖測驗,並於教育介入後對實驗組進行技術評量。共得有效樣本469人(實驗組:235人;對照組:234人),有效問卷達96.11%。 研究重要結果如下: 一、心肺復甦術教育介入前,國小四、五、六年級學童心肺復甦術知識不足、態度偏正向、行為意圖呈現中立偏高的程度。 二、心肺復甦術教育介入後,確實能增加學童心肺復甦術知識、態度、行為意圖。 三、心肺復甦術教育介入後,實驗組心肺復甦術知識、態度、行為意圖顯著高於對照組。 四、「過去曾受過CPR訓練經驗」、「母親教育程度與職業」較高、「學業成績」較好者,研究對象心肺復甦術知識成效較佳。 五、過去沒有CPR訓練經驗者知識後測之進步較有CPR訓練經驗者多、四年級心肺復甦術態度後測進步的程度較六年級大、學業成績較高者,心肺復甦術行為意圖後測進步較多;學業成績較低者,行為意圖後測反而較前測差。 六、「年級」是影響心肺復甦術技術成效之重要決定因子,研究對象六年級的心肺復甦術技術成效要比五年級及四年級來得好。 七、研究對象之心肺復甦術知識越好、態度越正向,執行心肺復甦術行為意圖越高。 八、教育介入前,研究對象六年級心肺復甦術知識比四年級、五年級好;教育介入後,四、五、六年級沒有顯著差異。 九、教育介入前、後,研究對象在心肺復甦術態度及行為意圖四、五、六年級均沒有顯著差異。 十、社會人口學變項及心肺復甦術知識前測,可以解釋心肺復甦術知識成效17.2%的變異量。 十一、社會人口學變項、心肺復甦術知識前後測及心肺復甦術態度前測可以解釋心肺復甦術態度成效50%的變異量。 十二、社會人口學變項、心肺復甦術知識前後測、心肺復甦術態度前後測及行為意圖前測可以解釋心肺復甦術行為意圖成效56.9%的變異量。 十三、社會人口學變項、心肺復甦術知識前後測、心肺復甦術態度前後測及行為意圖前後測可以解釋心肺復甦術技術成效5.7%的變異量。 整體而言,心肺復甦術教育介入能有效提升國小四、五、六年級學生心肺復甦術學習成效。教育介入後,心肺復甦術知識、態度及行為意圖並不會因國小四、五、六年級之不同而有所差異。希望藉由本研究結果作為心肺復甦術教育改善之依據,建議心肺復甦術教育應往下扎根,可從國小四年級開始實施,讓此知識融入日常生活中,進而培養更佳的心肺復甦術態度。


The study aims at investigating the impact of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) instruction and the correlation with regard to students’ learning effect. Subjects of which are 4th, 5th and 6th graders in total 488 spread in eighteen classes from one of the Elementary schools in Wen Shen District, Taipei. The research adopts a quasi-experimental design with cluster sampling to study the learning effect of CPR instruction in three dimensions: CPR knowledge, attitude, and behavior intention. Data are collected through scores of pre-test and post-test, in addition to questionnaires at the returned rate of 96.11%. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Prior to CPR instruction, subjects presented poor knowledge on CPR, positive attitude and behavior intention were shown neutral in a slightly high status. 2. After an implementation of CPR instruction, CPR knowledge, attitude and behavior intention of the subjects showed an obvious improvement. 3. The effects of CPR instruction showed the experimental group’s knowledge, attitude, and behavior intention were superior than the control group. 4. Three factors that affected subjects’ CPR knowledge came from their past CPR experience, background of maternal education and profession and their academic achievement at school. 5. Through analysis of pretest and post test, we found that subjects who had no previous CPR experience acquired increased knowledge. Progress of the 4th graders were presented higher than the 6th graders. Higher the achievers were, better progress behavior intention of theirs was presented. 6. Factor of “grade” holds an important role of the study. The 6th graders presented a higher performance in CPR skills. 7. Better the CPR knowledge, and better the intention behavior. Better the CPR attitude, better the intention behavior. 8. Before launching of CPR instruction, CPR knowledge among the 6th graders appeared profounder than the 4th and 5th graders. However, after instruction of which was conducted, No significant difference was detected. 9. Either before or after the CPR instruction was conducted, the subjects didn’t reveal any sign of picking-up behavior attention. 10.Together with the social demographic variables and the pretest score of knowledge, the post-test score of knowledge adopting linear regression (R2=0.172) concluded that grades, family heart disease history, and subjects’ academic achievement performs as crucial accounts to predict the variables. 11.The social demographic variables, pretest and post-test score of knowledge and pretest score of attitude can predict the post-test score of attitude by using linear regression (R2=0.50). Grade, academic achievement, post-test score of knowledge and pretest score of attitude are important predictors for the linear regression model. 12.The social demographic variables, pretest and post-test score of knowledge, pretest and post-test score of attitude and pretest score of behavior intention predicted the post-test score of behavior intention by using linear regression (R2=0.569). Post-test score of attitude and pretest score of behavior intention are important predictors in linear regression model. 13.The social demographic variables, pretest and post-test score of knowledge, pretest and post-test score of attitude and pretest and post-test score of behavior intention can predict the score of CPR skills by using linear regression (R2=0.057). The study concludes that CPR instruction effectively lifted the learning effect of the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. CPR knowledge, attitude, and behavior attention don’t differ in grades of the subjects. 6th graders performed skills of CPR much better than the 4th and 5th graders. In viewing of the above, it is suggested that promotion of CPR instruction be implanted to the lower grades in elementary schools, in hoping that CPR knowledge and skills become common and familiar to the society.




