  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林安邦


本研究主要在探討新北市國中導師的學生權利態度與其班級經營策略之關係。為達研究目的,本研究採問卷調查法,以自編之「國民中學導師學生權利態度與班級經營策略問卷」作為資料蒐集的工具,其研究對象為新北市62所公立國民中學導師,共獲得有效問卷485份。根據受試者填答的結果,以「描述統計」、「t考驗」、「單因子變異數分析」、「Pearson積差相關」、多元迴歸等統計方法,進行資料分析。 根據資料分析,本研究獲致的結論如下: 1. 新北市國民中學導師整體的學生權利態度屬於正向、良好的程度,尤其反應在對隱私權的態度上尤佳。 2. 新北市國民中學導師整體班級經營策略運用情形屬於良好狀況,以班級人際關係經營策略表現最佳。 3. 新北市國民中學導師依其不同背景變項對學生權利態度之差異性分析,得到「性別」、「年齡」、「擔任導師年資」、「參與人權相關研習與否」、「任教學校規模」變項上有顯著差異存在。 4. 新北市國民中學導師依其不同背景變項在班級經營策略之差異性分析,得到「性別」、「學歷背景」、「參與人權相關研習與否」、「任教學校規模」變項上有顯著差異存在。 5. 新北市國民中學導師的學生權利態度總層面和各層面與班級經營策略總層面和各層面均達顯著正相關。 6. 根據迴歸分析得知新北市國民中學導師的學生權利態度對班級經營策略具有足夠的解釋力,檢定結果均達顯著水準,新北市國民中學導師的學生權利態度可解釋班級經營策略總變異量的33.8%,且以導師對「受教權」、「社會權」、「人格權」、「正當法律程序權」的態度較具解釋力。   基於上述發現,本研究提出建議供教育行政機關、國民中學導師與未來研究者參考,以利友善校園之推行。


The study is mainly on exploring the relationship between junior high school tutors' attitude toward student rights and their classroom management strategies in New Taipei City. This study adopted a questionnaire survey method and used the self-written “Questionnaire of Junior High School Tutors' Attitude toward Student Rights and Classroom Management Strategies” as tool of data collection. The target population was junior high school tutors in New Taipei City, and 485 valid questionnaires in total were obtained. According to the answers given by the respondents, data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation and Multiple Stepwise Regression Analysis. According to the result of material analysis, this study reached the following conclusion: 1. The Junior high school tutors in New Taipei City show positive and good attitudes toward student rights, especially in “privacy rights.” 2. The Junior high school tutors in New Taipei City perform well in classroom management strategies, especially in “class interpersonal relationship management strategies.” 3.The variance analysis of tutors’ attitude toward student rights shows that variables such as “gender” , “age” , “working as tutor years” , “Participation human rights related thorough study or not” , “size of school” have significant differences in the tutor’ attitude toward student rights. 4. The variance analysis of tutors’ classroom management strategies shows that variables such as “sex” , “background” , “Participation human rights related thorough study or not” , “size of school” have significant differences in the tutor’ classroom management strategies. 5. There is a positive correlation between the attitude toward student rights of Junior high school tutors in New Taipei City and their classroom management strategies . 6. Simultaneous multiple regression indicates that the attitude toward student rights of Junior high school tutors in New Taipei City has ample explanation to their classroom management strategies. All the aspects of tutors’ attitude toward student rights account entirely for 33.8% of variance, and among them, tutors’ attitude toward “rights to education”, “social rights”, “personal rights” , “procedural rights” ,has the greatest influence. According to the above results, this study gave some suggestions to educational administration systems, tutors of junior high school, and future research to promote the effect of practicing “Friendly Campus”.




