  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 劉美慧


本研究採取質性研究取向,以半結構式的深度訪談作為蒐集資料的方法,並以圓滿國中(化名)12位學生為研究對象,探究國中成績優異學生放學後的學習世界,瞭解國中成績優異學生放學後所呈現出的各種學習途徑與學習經驗,進一步理解學生各種學習經驗背後所隱含的意義。 本研究的結論為:國中成績優異學生受限基本學力測驗的升學考試,呈現放學後必須延續學校學科學習,爭取頂尖成績的學習世界。因此國中成績優異學生必須與時間競賽,以各種學習策略編織綿密的學習網,網住基測考題。而基測成績的高低,決定下一站的學習場域,學生在競爭激烈的考試舞臺上,磨練處變不驚的應考能力。他/她們置身競爭又合作的學習情境,有好的競爭對手,激盪出更強烈的學習動力。而學校好的教學品質與學生想拼的心,是足夠讓學生面對國民中學學生基本學力測驗。除此之外,社經背景不高的家長,透過文化資本中家長楷模與閱讀習慣的培養,可提升子女的學業成就。家長用心參與孩子的教育與優質的親子互動,更可催化父母期望,進而提升子女學業成就。 本研究最後針對學校、老師、家長、學生與後續的研究提供幾項建議。


This study adopts in-depth interviews as the data collecting method, aiming at drawing a comprehensive understanding of various after-school learning reinforce- ment applied by outstanding students and their learning experiences involved. The students ranked PR 99 on Basic Competence Test (BCtest) from YuanMan Junior High School (fictitious) are the study participants for exploring the after-school learning variety of outstanding students. The conclusions are listed as followed: First, restricted by BCTest, outstanding students strive their way to higher grades by expanding their classroom learning. Second, due to the time pressure from the day-by-day approaching BCtest, outstanding students try hard to make use of every exploitable minute for efficiently getting familiar with the test contents. Third, the fact that BCTest plays a crucial role in senior high school application has been well aware by students and parents. BCTest has been placed in such a vital position that students put tremendous efforts into practicing answering various testing questions. Fourth, peer competition and collaboration motivate outstanding students highly. Next, schools’ encouraging attitude and learning environment, teachers’ effective teaching and students’ determination jointly assist students to tackle the challenge of BCTest. Sixth, outstanding students from middle socio-financial background can be advanced through the influences of their parents who have engaged in parental supporting groups and build up a reading habit on a regular basis. Finally, derived from parents’ involvement in children’s education and quality time spent with their children, parents’ expectation can be perceived by their children. That helps their children’s academic performance. This study provides suggestions to schools, teachers, parents, students of junior high and further research based on the drawn conclusions.


黃毅志、陳俊瑋(2008)。學科補習、成績表現與升學結果 ─ 以學測成績與上公立大學為例。教育研究集刊,54(1),117-149。


