  • 學位論文

以北京四合院構築精神 探討現代中式室內設計

Perspective of the development of a Chinese modern interior, Focus on the study of the Beijing courtyard plan

指導教授 : 梁桂嘉


長久的歷史讓中國傳統民居擁有豐富樣貌且不斷演進,其都市住宅形式多樣,傳達出將日常習慣、生活型態與美學觀點兼容並蓄的嫻熟掌握。時至今日,亞洲民居明顯地向西方型態靠攏,但其先民智慧卻並未納入其中。 檢視中國歷史會發現「合院」的格局一再出現,並不斷演變以滿足需求。其中,又以北京的四合院最具代表性,而且至今仍是重要的參考典範。這種因時制宜的格局變化,又與主要空間的配置息息相關。 本研究旨在演示在室內設計領域中發展出現代中國風格的可能性。透過文獻分析來辨識北京四合院的空間配置及其象徵體系;檢視具代表性的平面圖則能藉由風水等概念,突顯其空間規劃的特點與精神。並為了瞭解室內設計就必須從空間規劃、人性化規模、色彩、材料、光線、傢俱以及裝飾等七大主要元素討論。為了重新詮釋中國風格,就必須為室內設計創造全新的定義。這些不同概念最後都會在一所現代之房間中獲得創作實驗。 研究結果歸納出中國傳統民居主要立基於環境、社會文化以及實用性功能等三大要素。現代中國風格的演變前景不僅以中國傳統本身的精髓為基礎,同時還嘗試發掘全新的實踐方法,以活用並進而創造一脈相承,綿延不絕的永續精神。鑒於所獲得的研究成果而歸納得知,中國風格的全新界定必須從歷史、文化以及社會學的角度切入。 為了以中國現代風格規劃一處空間,傳統的層次概念必須重新引入並進行演繹。創作設計的成果就以下多方面而言是令人滿意的。首先,家庭與其生活方式佔據了最主要的位置。其次,就是優質生活與緊鄰外在環境等概念的引入。再者,就是體現中國文化精髓,而最後則是具體落實專門用於聚會接待、隱秘生活、物象崇拜以及個人發展等空間的基本元素。


Chinese traditional housing has been enriched and has evolved through more than five thousand years of history. The Chinese urban housing, in its various forms, represents a mastery of cohesion between lifestyle, aesthetic and symbols. Today Asian urban housing has a strong tendency to develop western oriented model without incorporating traditional knowledge. Through Chinese history the pattern of courtyard houses is recurring and evolved with needs. The Beijing courtyard house is a major example while being referenced in the modern era. This adaptation over time is related to a provision of sustainable basic spaces. The purpose of this study is to show the perspective of the development of modern Chinese style in interior design. A literature review provides the identification of the spaces disposition and the symbolism of the Beijing courtyard houses. The review of a significant courtyard house highlights its spatial characteristics through modern interior design factors. It focuses on seven main elements: space planning, human scale, colors, materials, lighting, furniture, and ornamentation. All this concepts are then tested in an actual apartment in order to be consistent with Chinese tradition and modernism. The traditional Chinese architecture is based on three factors: environmental, sociocultural and functional. Development of modern Chinese style is based on the essence of Chinese tradition and attempt to find a practical approach to revitalize and create continuity. Considering the results obtained, the redefinition of Chinese style imposes three approaches: historical, cultural and sociological. Here, the design focuses on the reintroduction and the reinterpretation of tradition in a contemporary space. This choice gives a multi-temporal atmosphere. The final result emphasizes the family and its lifestyle, introduced well-being and proximity with exterior environment, respect for the essential elements of Chinese culture, spaces dedicated to meditation, privacy, cults and self-development.


8. 荊其敏 (1991)。中國傳統民居百題。台中:東海大學建築研究中心出版。
2. Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (n.d.). Törten Estate by Walter Gropius. Retrieved August 21, 2011, from : http://www.bauhaus-dessau.de/index.php?toerten-estate-by-walter-gropius
8. Le Corbusier (2008). Vers une architecture. Paris : Flammarion. (Original work published in 1923)
21. Wu, L. (1999). Rehabilitating the Old City of Beijing : A project in the Ju’er Hutong Neightbourhood. Vancouver : UBC press.
