  • 學位論文


Elevating the service quality of residential Interior design projects Taking customized special needs, for example

指導教授 : 梁桂嘉


現今室內設計產業,設計師供過於求的狀況十分普遍,消費者選擇性增加,從親友、網路等各方資訊中比較、尋找具創意且能達到其機能、美學要求的從業人員,在各式的案件中,這樣的供應鏈是占大多數。從高級進口車、傢俱與豪宅市場的蓬勃,可見業界消費方式已不斷隨著潮流進步而調整,由滿足基本生活起居,提升到願意多花錢在追求品味、機能、美學、安全、環保等感知,因此當今的設計師應該是用更宏觀的「設計思考」來協助客戶「滿足心願」。 室內設計原本就是一項客製化的產業;在整體專案過程中,依據前期客戶需求、討論定案來的圖稿,施作出不同於一般賣場、更能符合該客戶使用的傢俱;但由於雙方溝通認知上的差異或遺漏,加上功能美學資訊獲得的廣泛,造成現今客戶在整體要求上的跳躍性與不定性。從一件小事預期心理的不同或未能滿足,而衍生為整體設計服務品質上的瑕疵,是最不為大家所樂見的。因此如何在專案執行過程中,以設計服務的思考模式強化互動,並從溝通中再次融入客戶的意見,彌補修正前期的不足,並針對滿足其各式需求、以更深入的客製化為目標去強化專案服務品質,讓客戶感動,提高整體滿意度,便是本研究的主要探討方向。 本研究將從室內設計、專案、服務與品質等特性的角度出發,導入專案設計服務思考特性為架構,並以自身從事室內設計相關物件執行為例,作為研究對象、印證與創作。透過文獻探討,整理出國內外學者對於室內設計、專案、服務與品質、設計服務思考、客製化等研究精華,從中歸納出消費者預期設計服務品質需求特性共50項,在文中提出與客戶互動案例過程,當滿足其所提客製化特殊需求物件後,對整體滿意度提升之分享與驗證,藉以提供後續從業人員,將此議題列為室內設計專案服務品質中,更能有效提高滿意度之依據。


The oversupply of interior designers has become a common phenomenon in today’s interior design industry. With increasing selections and with much comparative information that consumers acquired from friends and from the internet, the majority formation of the consumers today are seeking a creative, well-functioned and aesthetic design. A staggering growth in the field of luxury cars, high-price furniture to luxurious apartments indicates the consuming trend has adjusted from only satisfying basic needs to the pursuit of taste, function, aesthetics, safety, and environmental protection awareness. Therefore a designer should equipped with further and farther “designing concept” to meet the needs of their clients. Interior design is an industry which involves series of customized services. From the early-stage consultation based on the needs and requirements of the clients to a more detailed discussion of the designing pictures and implementations, and thus making an unique, fit-the-need piece of furniture that copes with the aspiration of the clients. However, the misunderstandings between both sides, lacking of communication or missing details from the clients and other incidental issues can lead to an unsatisfied complains from the clients and thus lower the quality of the service. Therefore, enhancing communication within the implementation , combining the opinions, anticipation and further requirements from the clients to make up for any gaps during the process, and to further elevate the quality of the service, delight the clients through the above measurements are the main focuses of the study. The study starts with the perspectives of interior design, the quality of the projects and services to the features of the service thinkings of the projects as the theme structure. The examples of real cases from years of experience in the field served as the research subject, evidence, and creation. The study analyzed and selected 50 ideas and concepts from many publications and academic researchers from renowned scholars in the world that relate to customer expectations for interior design, project implementation and service quality as well as designing services and customized services. The research collects the process of interacting with the clients, analyzes customer satisfaction and shares experiences after their customized requests are fulfilled. The study offers the basis with the field experience for people in the business, and thus efficiently elevates their customer satisfaction and provides a higher quality for the clients.




