  • 學位論文


Participation Motivation and Leisure Benefits of College Students Playing Wii Sports Motion-Sensitive Games

指導教授 : 程紹同


本研究旨在探討大學院校學生參與體感遊戲機Wii之運動型遊戲時,其參與動機與休閒效益之關係情形,以大學院校學生為研究對象,採用便利抽樣的方式進行網路問卷調查,共回收487份問卷,所得資料以統計軟體PASW 18.0 for windows進行描述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與雪費事後考驗,並得到以下結論:一、Wii運動型體感遊戲參與者之大學院校學生以男性、四年級與研究所、北部大學為主,平均每月可支配金額多為3,001~6,000元,平均每週遊戲頻率以每週一次 (含) 以下為最多,每次遊戲時數以1~3小時為最多,遊戲資歷以1-3年為最多。二、參與動機可分為成就性動機、社會性動機、健康性動機、娛樂性動機等四個因素,在「社會性動機」之程度較高,其次為「娛樂性動機」。三、休閒效益共分為四個因素構面,生理效益、心理效益、社交效益、教育效益,其中在「心理效益」之休閒效益程度最高,其次為「社交效益」,而「生理效益」之分數最低。四、人口背景與參與動機具有顯著差異。五、人口背景與休閒效益具有顯著差異。六、參與動機與休閒效益各構面皆有正相關之情形,且兩者存在高度正相關。鑑此,本研究提出以下建議:一、開發女性Wii遊戲參與者,依其需求制訂行銷策略,開發女性潛力市場;二、提供更多元的網絡連線方式,增加參與者之社會性動機及社交效益;三、對遊戲主機之操作及相關運動型遊戲內容進行調整,增加遊戲生理效益,提高消費者欲購買Wii之健康性動機;四、提供更專業、更擬真之運動遊戲內容,加強運動遊戲之參與動機。五、瞭解參與者遊戲特性、遊戲頻率,定期發送商品最新資訊以及折扣活動,鞏固消費者之忠誠度。


This study aimed at exploring the relationship between participation motivation and leisure benefits regarding college students’ participating in Wii sports somatosensory games. To fulfill the goal of this study, 403 college students, with past experiences of playing Wii sports somatosensory games before, were sampled through internet survey. The data collected were analyzed by PASW 18.0 for windows. The results were as follows: (1) College participants of Wii sports somatosensory games are mainly males, seniors and graduate students from universities in Northern Taiwan, with monthly disposable income of $3,001 to $6,000 NT dollars in average, playing the games no more than once a week, playing for 1 to 3 hours each time, and having been taking part in the games for 1 to 3 years. (2) The participation motivations are: achievement motivation, social motivation, health motivation and entertainment motivation, with "social motivation" as the most significant factor followed by “entertainment motivation”. (3) Types of leisure benefits are: physiological benefits, psychological benefits, relaxation benefits, social benefits and education benefits, while "psychological benefit" is the most significant factor followed by "social motivation", with "physiological effectiveness "hits the lowest scores. (4) Demographic background and participation motivation are significantly different. (5) Demographic background and leisure benefits are significantly different. (6) Participation motivation and leisure benefits are highly positively correlated. Accordingly, this research suggests that: (1) The potential female market should be targeted, and that marketing strategies should thus be developed in accordance with their needs. (2) Multiple ways of network connection should be built up, so as to increase the social motivation and social benefits of the participants. (3) It is recommended that the manipulation of the console along with its game contents should be rectified. With the increasing emphasis on physiological benefits, the target consumers’ health motivation for buying Wii would also be raised. (4) To strengthen consumers’ participation motivation and prevent situations of participants’ playing less with years of participations, the sports games contents should be more professional and realistic. (5) In order to consolidate the loyalty of the consumers, it is suggested to understand the games participants more in terms of their playing frequency and features, along with periodical announcement of the information regarding the latest goods and promotion activities.


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