  • 學位論文


An Analysis and Interpretation of Felix Mendelssohn’s Sonata No. 2 for Violoncello and Piano,Op. 58

指導教授 : 李燕宜


孟德爾頌(1809-1847)為十九世紀浪漫樂派重要的代表作曲家之一,其作品內容多承襲古典創作手法,於傳統架構中融入個人特色,理性與感性兼容並濟。本報告研究主題《第二號大提琴奏鳴曲作品五十八》為孟德爾頌大提琴代表之作,此曲創作於1843年,由傳統四樂章構成,各樂章皆具不同特色:首尾樂章洋溢豐富的熱情,二、三樂章則流露出孟德爾頌幽默與抒情之感,整體架構承襲古典奏鳴曲之傳統規範,內容與創作手法卻較為自由。此作品中亦可發現孟德爾頌將鋼琴地位提升,不再僅做為伴奏功用,兩樂器經常以對唱、卡農(Canon)等手法呈現,豐富之情緒轉換,體現出孟德爾頌創作室內樂技巧之才華。 本報告共包含五章:第一章為緒論,敘述研究動機與目的,並說明研究方法與整體架構;第二章為奏鳴曲之起源與發展,首先追溯奏鳴曲之起源,進而探究奏鳴曲於各時期所具不同之意涵;第三章以作曲家孟德爾頌為主,介紹其成長背景、音樂創作風格與室內樂作品;第四章為樂曲分析與演奏詮釋,藉由分析樂曲整體架構與旋律特色,進而提供適當之演奏詮釋,最終以鋼琴合作之角度進行深入探究;第五章歸納結論。


Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809-1847) is one of the outstanding German Romantic composers. Maintaining the musical status quo, namely, the “classical” forms, Mendelssohn has still successfully infused his own original style into the old. This study focuses on one of the representative works for cello of Mendelssohn,Sonata No. 2 for Violoncello and Piano Op. 58, which was composed in 1843.Thispiece is made up of four movements, which respectively has their specific styles. A richness of passion pervades the first movement; as to the second and third, a stylistically Mendelssohn-like humor as well as emotion is revealed. Stylistically conservative as Mendelssohn was, his creative originality has truly showed through this masterpiece. The piano is not only for accompaniment use, but it also holds a musical dialogue with the cello. The interrelationship between the two instruments and the use of canon music embody rich emotions, and further demonstrates Mendelssohn’s great gift in chamber music. This report is composed of five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction of the structure of the thesis, including the research methodology and the motivation of research. In the second chapter, I will first discuss the development of the sonata music, and then the differences in nature and content of sonatas in different eras. In the third chapter, the focus will be on Felix Mendelssohn’s background, style and works of chamber music. In the fourth chapter, I will present how music form analysis is used to enhance performance interpretation in respect of art of collaborative piano. Finally, I will end the discussionwith a conclusion to this in-depth research.


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