  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃人傑博士


自1993年起,臺灣65歲以上的老年人口,佔總人口的比率已達7.1%,正式邁入聯合國世界衛生組織所定義的高齡化社會。至2003年,臺灣平均每一位育齡婦女總生育數下降到1.2人,少子化的情況,更加速人口年齡結構的老化,因此,本研究第一部分首先探討臺灣人口高齡化的情形與未來人口的預測。 臺灣人口年齡結構的老化,在經濟層面的影響將會有兩方面的衝擊:第一是未來勞動力人口數量減少;第二是未來青壯年人口扶養老年人口的經濟負擔加重。因此,本研究第二部分從了解中高齡失業問題及就業市場的演變著手,研究中高齡人力的相關理論、中高齡失業的因素、企業對中高齡人力的評價、臺灣未來就業市場的發展等,並檢視政政府的就業服務政策。 為了解決中高齡失業問題及未來勞動力人口不足的趨勢,必須加速經濟景氣復甦,降低產業結構調整帶來的衝擊,並且調整政府的就業輔導政策,逐步改變工作條件、工作時數,減低人口年齡結構老化而產生更多的中高齡失業者,並能符合勞動力市場的需求。


Since 1993, the elderly population over the age of 65 old has reached to 7.1% of the total population in Taiwan. According to the definition of aging society by World Health Organization (WHO), Taiwan has belonged to this category. The average of child birth declined to 1.2 in 2003, further more, the trend of having fewer children facilities the structure of population towards to aging rapidly. The first part of this paper is aim to discuss the aging population and to predict the future population in Taiwan. The population structure of aging has two economic implications. Firstly, the numbers of labors are shrinking. Secondly, the financial burden of the youths and the middle- age for the older generation becomes more heavily. The second part of this research is investigating the elder unemployment problems and the changing in the job market. And to discuss the manpower control for middle-age to elderly market and the factors of jobless. Furthermore, the evaluation of enterprises for middle-age and elderly manpower, the future job market development in Taiwan, and the job creation policies of the government are discussed in this paper. In order to result the problems of elderly unemployment and the lack of labors supply, government should step by step improve the economy and reduce the impacts of changes in industrious structure. Making suitable employment policies in terms of the working conditions, the working hours can reduce the unemployment rate in middle-age and elderly group. By doing so, the demand in the labor market can be solved.


