  • 學位論文


The Study on the Policy Formulation of National Pension in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 紀俊臣博士


臺灣地區在1993年9月時65歲以上的老年人口占總人口比例之7﹪,已達聯合國世界衛生組織所訂的高齡化社會指標,正式邁進「老人國」之林,使臺灣地區人口的結構漸進入老化的社會,人口老化所產生的問題及隨著老化過程所衍生的需求變化,政府要如何妥善解決其所引發的問題,規劃因應對策與措施,適時提供老人需求之福利措施,有效落實老人福祉,實為政府當前的重要社會福利政策之一。雖然臺灣目前已具有多層次架構的老年經濟保障體系的雛型,惟社會福利資源的分配不合理、不公平現象,引發國人要求進行檢討與改進,然而年金政策之所以受到重視,一方面是人口結構老化與社會結構變遷的壓力,另一方面則是政黨競爭趨於激烈的反映。對於一個攸關國計民生重大長遠政策議題,政府為避免泛政治化、財政擴大惡化及整合各項老年津貼,乃提出國民年金政策之規劃。   本研究範圍設定為自1993年起至今(2006年)期間,探討臺灣在人口高齡化社會裡,政府如何制定老人福利政策以解決老人需求問題,進而分析臺灣地區國民年金政策制定過程,分別就老人福利政策範圍的老人經濟安全保障內涵,國民年金政策形成、國民年金政策設計模式、規劃國民年金的政策生態等相關政策規劃課題加以探討分析。   國民年金政策之制定會面臨到原有政策的部分問題(選舉效應、社政人員不足、缺乏保險人才與基金管理專業人員,以及財政限制等)如何避免重蹈覆轍,而能將原有將相關政策予以整合或是保持並行不悖的良好互動,以永續發展為最高原則,秉持「朝向整合現行各項津貼」、「考慮財務負擔」、「全體國民都有基礎保障」等精神,政府應積極推動通過根植在社會保險精神的國民年金法,以循序漸進之方式,帶動其他相關社會保險制度之整合,以為全體國民建立老年經濟安全網。 關鍵詞:老人福利、國民年金、年金政策、政策規劃、政策設計


Since September 1993, when its population aged 65 or over reached 7 percent of the total population, Taiwan has been classed as an aging society, as defined by the World Health Organization under the United Nations. How to address the problems brought about by the graying of the population and how to come up with social welfare formulation requirements of the elderly present serious challenges to the government. Although Taiwan has already set up a primitive multi-layered social security system to provide some financial security to senior citizens, the unreasonable distribution of social resources under this system has prompted calls for its overhaul. A national pension plan is therefore considered by various political parties as a way to ease the increasing pressure created by the aging population and changing social structure, and the political gimmick to woo voters, support. In an attempt to combine the existing various allowances to the elderly and to lighten the financial burden of ever-increasing social welfare expenditure, the government has begun crafting its own policy formulation of national pension. This study reviews the government's policy formulated to satisfy the needs of the elderly from 1993 to 2006 as the country's population is aging, discusses the content of the aged economic security and recounts the process of the government's national pension plan as it took shape, the principles on which it was based, and the political situations under which it was formulated. As with the existing allowances for senior citizens, the policy formulation of national pension is facing the problems of political meddling, a shortage of government social workers, the dearth of insurance workers and mutual fund managers, and the government's limited financial resources. In order to prevent these factors from marring the proposed national pension formulation, and to incorporate the existing allowances systems into the formulation without stretching the country's financial ability, the proposed national pension formulation would be better modeled on the principles of insurance to cover all citizens and provide them with financial guarantees in their old age. 【key words】: security benefits for the elderly, national pension, national pension policy, policy formulation, the designing policy.


