  • 學位論文


Discussion on the Junior High School Healthcare Problems from the Data of the Sick and Wounded Students

指導教授 : 林曼蕙


本研究目的旨在探討九十四學年度某國民中學學生校園事故傷 害發生率,不同性別、年級學生校園事故傷害發生原因,地點、受傷部位及處理方式,以及事故傷害發生後至痊癒所費天數。研究對象為國中在學之七、八年級學生,總人數為1376人,研究時間自民國九十四年九月一日至九十五年六月三十日。研究工具使用研究者修編之臺北縣國民中學學生校園傷害統計表,紀錄發生事故傷害者之資料,資料處理使用Excel套裝軟體,以描述性統計作資料分析。 研究結果發現二年級整學年發生事故傷害學生總人數為2563人 次,佔186﹪;平均每一位學生整學年發生校園事故傷害次數為1.86次,平均每月事故傷害發生率為18.6﹪;若以性別觀察,男生發生率為1784人次,佔人數之227%;女生發生率為779人次,佔人數之131%,若從不同年級觀察,整學年校園事故傷害發生率以八年級男生事故傷害發生率最高,計1301人次(321%),八年級女生558人居次(174%)。從不同月份之事故傷害人數比例發現,高過每月平均人數比例之月份依次為6月(381人次,27.%),5月(363人次26.4%),3月(357人次,25.9%)。6、5及12月,此季節適逢學校舉辦班際運動競賽及運動會之時期,事故傷害發生率亦相對提高。人數比例分別在事故傷害之發生原因方面依序為1.與同學玩耍(683人次,50%),2.運動過度(264人次,19%),3.熱身運動不足(189人次,14﹪)。在事故傷害發生場所方面依序為1.籃球場(921人次,67%),2.教室(639人次,46%),3. 校園(237人次,17%)。受傷部位以手部(1168人次,85%)及腳部為最多(739人次,53%)。在傷害醫療處理人員方面,均由護士處理,處理方式則依序為1. 傷口處理(1377人次,100%),2.冰敷(986人次,72%)。事故傷害痊癒天數人數比率依序為,1.一天痊癒者(875人次,63.6%),2.二天痊癒者(824人次,59.9%),3.三天痊癒者(444人次,32.3%)。


國中學生 事故傷害


Abstract The purpose of this study is to discuss the situation and problems of handling about the wound and disease in current school healthcare system. The data is from the students' sick and wound of the formatted statistic table of one junior high school in Taipei County. The total number of the subjects in this junior high school is 1,376 in the academic of 2005 year. The goals of this study are: 1.the total numbers of the wounded and disease students, as well as the proportion of sick and wounded boys and girls during the whole academic year. 2.The effects on the students data (grades and gender), environment traits (month, time, place), and treatments (injury parts, internal medicine, surgery.) 3.The occur reasons of the sick and wound. The results showed that the total number of sick and wounded people was 2,563(186.3%). The 8th Grade boys (1784, 227.6%) ,and girls (779, 131.6%). The 8th Grade boys were the most getting wounded compared with the other grades (1,301, 321.2%), and the girls in the 8th grade were the second most (558, 174.4%). According to the data, the average rate of students getting sick or wounded of every month was 18.6%. However, March(357, 25.9%), May(363, 26.4%), and June(381, 27.7%) were higher than 18.6%. The proportion of the wounded people from different months showed that because the school held the competitions during these months, and the probability of occurrence of sickness and wounds were raised relatively. Besides, the reasons of the sickness and wound were playing with classmates not properly (683, 50%), over exercising (264, 19%), and lacking of warming up (189, 14%.) Referring to places that sickness and wounds occured: the basketball court (924, 67%) and classrooms (639, 46%) took extremely highly proportion. The wounded parts in order were: the injury occured most on hands(1168, 85%) and feet(739, 53%). Referring to medical workers: the nurse treated all cases. And the ways to handle the wounds were in order: the wound applies(1377, 100%) and using the ice to apply to the wounds(986, 72%.) Last, the rate of recovering from the wounds in one day was 63.6% (875), in two days was 59.9% (824), and in three days was 32.3% (444).


