  • 學位論文


The Study of Analyzing the Aboriginal Content in the Elementary Social Studies Textbooks

指導教授 : 黃政傑


本研究旨在分析國小社會科教科書中的原住民內涵,而作為本研究分析的國小社會科教科書共有七種不同的版本,分別為教科書採行審定制以前的國定本一至十二冊,及教科書採行審定制以後的國編版、康軒版、新學友版、翰林版、南一版及牛頓版一至八冊(目前僅審定至第八冊)。 本研究所採行的研究方法包括內容分析法與訪談法,而主要的探討重點有三:其一,以多元文化課程設計的觀點,採質性的內容分析方式,探討各版本教科書中原住民相關內容的課程設計途徑;2. 瞭解原住民教材在教科書中所佔份量,並以研究者自編之「原住民內涵主題類目表」作為研究工具,對不同版本教科書在原住民主題類目表中的分佈情形予以比較討論;3. 通過多元文化教育的視角,對各版本教科書所傳遞的原住民內涵進行偏見檢視,同時亦將研究者所發現的偏見問題,訪問教科書編輯者以蒐集相關資料,並加以分析討論。經由上述探討,本研究將主要的研究發現加以歸納,作成以下結論: 壹、 課程設計途徑分析結果 一、 教科書開放前、後,社會科教科書對於原住民相關內容的編排,均未能與社會科課程作整體性的統合。因此,原住民課程設計僅止於多元文化課程設計途徑中的「附加模式」。 二、 教科書開放前、後,社會科教科書對於原住民課程活動的設計,多缺乏「價值探究」、「反省、批判思考」、「問題解決(作決定)」及「社會行動」等相關活動引導。 貳、 頻數分析結果 一、 教科書開放後,審定本社會科教科書中原住民教材所佔份量,已較開放前的國定本多。 二、 經由主題類目表的量化統計發現,教科書開放後,國編版所呈現的原住民內涵已較國定本更為多元。惟,國定本亦有可加肯定之處。 三、 教科書開放後,審定本在原住民主題類目表中的頻數分佈,已比國定本理想,但仍有缺失存在。 四、 從各版本在原住民主題類目表中的分佈比較,可得知各版本有其特色,亦有所不足。 五、 整體審定本教科書在主題類目上的分佈,呈現出對某些原住民主題偏重,而某些主題受輕忽的現象。而在年級的分配比重上,四年級為納有原住民內涵的高比例年段,以下依次為二、三、一年級。 參、 偏見檢視分析結果 一、 消失不見:教科書中原住民人物典範只出現莫那魯道一人,而原住民具體事蹟也只有抗日一件。 二、 漢族中心:主要表現在「某些層面的民族文化經驗」、「民族文化接觸」及「台灣開發過程」等方面的描繪或論述。 三、 表淺片面:教科書中原住民文化內涵的展現稍顯表淺,而原住民祭典的呈現,傾向「走馬看花」與「意義概化」。 四、 不夠真實:教科書未能反映歷史過程中的族群衝突史實,而原住民之社會困境亦未見探討。 五、 雖然國定本與審定本教科書均存在著上述偏見,惟,教科書開放以後,審定本教科書對於原住民內涵的編寫,已較國定本有所改善。 六、 經由訪談資料分析發現,教科書之所以產生與原住民有關的偏見,可能與下列幾點有關:1. 原住民史料的貧乏;2. 原、漢族人口比例考量下的「等量式」平等;3.篇幅上與編輯上的限制;4. 漢族立場的價值判斷;5. 審查方面的問題;6.善意有餘但積極積極性不足的編輯心態;7.編輯者既有認知的侷限。 最後,本研究嘗試提出以下建議,藉供參考: 一、 課程目標制訂的過程中,宜力求多元化、民主化,且所制訂的目標應能與多元文化教育趨勢相結合,以俾培養出能與不同族群和諧共處的良善公民。 二、 教科書中原住民課程的編排,應使其統整融入整體課程之中,並能在課程活動中有「價值探討」、「批判思考」、「問題解決」與「社會行動」的設計。 三、 對於本研究所分析教科書中較薄弱或闕如的原住民主題,未來應適度增加。 四、 原住民主題在各年級教科書中的分佈,宜兼顧每個年段,以使多元文化教育能持續地實施。 五、 未來教科書中原住民內涵的呈現,有必要對本研究所發現的偏見加以改善。 六、 教科書編輯者應體察教科書中原住民偏見產生的因素,並加以克服,以編製具有多元文化教育內涵的教科書。 七、 後續研究者,可就本研究在研究對象、研究問題及研究方法等方面的不足處,再予之拓展擴充,從事更具豐富內涵的相關研究。


In Taiwan, before the adoption of review system for textbooks (ARST), the elementary textbooks were edited only by NICT(National Institute for Compilation and Translation),namely, these school books were national textbooks. After ARST, besides NICT continued to compile textbooks for elementary school, and also many commercial publishing companies all participated in it, and therefore several versions of review textbook appeared. As far as the elementary social studies is concerned, the versions of review textbooks include official review textbooks (this research called the textbooks that edited by NICT after ARST are ‘official review textbook’), Knsh textbooks, Hanlin textbooks, Senseio textbooks, Nani textbooks, and Newton textbooks. At present, the review textbooks approved were of 1-4 grades. The purpose of this research was to explore aboriginal content in the elementary social studies textbooks which were compiled before ARST and after. The researcher applied both content analysis and interview methods to do this study. Concretely speaking, the exploration in the thesis included three focal points: 1. According to the view of multicultural curriculum design, discussed the design approach of the aboriginal curriculum in textbooks by virtue of the qualitative content analysis; 2. Understood the proportion of aboriginal content appeared on textbooks, and used the “Table of aboriginal content subject matter categories” as research tools of quantitative content analysis to discuss the frequency distribution of aboriginal subject matter; 3. Examined the bias buried in textbooks with regard to aboriginal through the perspective of multicultural education, and meanwhile as soon as the bias questions discovered in textbooks, then the researcher posed them to interview textbook editors in order to collect more related data to analyze. Studied from above, the main results were synthesized as follows. About curriculum design: 1. The compilations and arrangements of aboriginal content in the social studies textbooks published before ARST and after , were not well integrated into the whole textbooks. Therefore, the aboriginal curriculum design were confined just only to the ‘additive approach’ of multicultural curriculum design. 2. The activity content of aboriginal curriculum in the social studies textbooks which were published before ARST and after, were considerably lack of the design of ‘value exploration’, ‘reflection and critical thinking’, ‘problem solving(decision-making)’ and ‘social action’. About frequency: 1. After ARST, the proportion of aboriginal content in the review social studies textbooks, are more than the national textbooks edited before ARST. 2. From the statistics of frequency showed in the ‘Tables of the aboriginal content subject matter categories’, it is known that aboriginal content in the official review textbooks are varied and plentiful than in the national textbooks compiled before ARST. However, there is some merits in the latter ones. 3. After ARST, the distributive condition addressed in the ‘Tables of the aboriginal content subject matter categories’ concerning the review textbooks, were ideal than the national textbooks published before ARST. But there is much room for the review textbooks to improve on. 4. To compare the distributive condition addressed in the ‘Tables of the aboriginal content subject matter categories’ with regard to each version of the textbooks, it is known that the characteristics and deficiencies were existed in. 5. In whole review textbooks, we could obviously discover the phenomenon that some aboriginal themes stressed particularly and some ones disregarded from the statistics of frequency addressed in the Tables of the subject matter categories, and also knew that most aboriginal content were displayed in the 4 grade textbooks, and then the 2, 3, 1 grade textbooks in order. About bias: 1. Invisibility: In all textbooks, the presentation of aboriginal paragon was merely Mona.Lwudaw and of the aboriginal praiseworthy achievement was just only resistance of Japan. 2. Ethnocentrism of the Hans: The Ethnocentrism of the Hans in textbooks was portrayed on the context of ‘ethnic culture experience’, ‘contact of ethnic culture’, and ‘process of cultivation about Taiwan’. 3. Superficiality: There were superficial displays on the cultural content of aboriginal, and the presenting defects of aboriginal festivity content were glance understanding and meaning generalization. 4. Unreality: The truth of ethnic conflicts which were occurred at the historical process, and the plights with regard to aboriginal, could not be reflected and discussed in textbooks. 5. The biases above mentioned were existed in the national textbooks and review textbooks, but there was some improvement in the review textbooks. 6. By way of the analysis of interview data, it is found that the biases concerning aboriginal were caused by: (1) the deficiency of aboriginal literature, (2)the myth of ethnic population proportion,(3)editorial limitation,(4) value judgement of the Hans, (5)worrying about the review and approval problem, (6)compiler’s passive thinking, and (7)the restriction of compiler’s fixed cognition. Finally, based on the results above and the deficiency of the research, suggestions were offered.




張如慧(2000)。原住民女學生學校生活經驗中之潛在課程研究: 以山海中學原住民藝能班為例〔博士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2603200719110029
