  • 學位論文

Maxine Greene的自由哲學思想及其在教育上的蘊義

The exploration of Maxine Greene's philosophy of freedom and its implications for education

指導教授 : 林逢祺 洪仁進


本研究係採取理論分析的研究方法,旨在探討美國當代教育哲學家Maxine Greene的自由哲學思想。為了瞭解Greene的自由哲學思想,本研究首先探究Greene的生平及其自由哲學思想的學術背景。其次則分析Greene哲學思想的主要概念,包括自我意識、生活世界、及「研究」哲學。第三,本研究擬探索Greene自由哲學思想的義理。第四,本研究擬依據Greene的自由哲學思想衍繹其教育蘊義。最後則闡明Greene自由哲學思想的教育蘊義對我國當前教育發展的啟示。 大體而言,自由是Greene終身所關注的焦點,著眼於自由的教育更是她探索自由的目標。自由對Greene而言是一種理想、希望、與實際的挑戰。她將自由納入辯證之中論述,包括主客體、自我與社會等的自由,強調人類要以調和的方式克服兩種極端的自由所產生的緊張狀況。再者,Greene除了批判美國自獨立以來所稟持的天賦自由外,她更期盼人類能警覺阻礙的存在,主動對抗生活世界的阻礙,並以「研究」哲學的方法來察覺理所當然的想法。綜觀Greene的自由哲學路線可歸結為:阻礙→覺醒(警覺、意識到阻礙的存在)→突破阻礙(視為理所當然之事)→打造對話與民主的社群及藝術創造的公共空間→自由的實現。職是之故,塑造一個充滿對話、自由、關懹的公共空間是Greene探尋自由的終極目標。 綜合前述探究,本研究擬有以下建議: 一、我國當前教育政策的擬定須增加教育各層級對話的公共空間,廣納雅言以尋求教育實踐的共識,俾有助於教育的改進。 二、對我國當前教育而言, Greene的觀點有助於教育人員正視青少年的生活世界,協助青少年警覺學習過程中的阻礙而獲致自由,並啟示青少年關懷自我與社群。 三、藝術的想像空間蘊含自由的可能性,國內藝術教育長久以來一直是受到忽視的一個環節,Greene主張藝術與生活結合以激發學生想像力的觀點有助於教育人員擴展藝術教育的公共空間。


The primary purpose of this study is to explore Maxine Greene’s philosophy of freedom. Maxine Greene, the past president of the American Educational Research Association, is an educational philosopher in modern America. By using theoretical methodology, the first chapter gives an introduction of motivations and objectives in this study. The second chapter examines the theoretical background of Maxine Greene, including thoughts of John Dewey, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Hannah Arendt on freedom. The third chapter draws upon the fundamental notions of Maxine Greene’s philosophy, including self-consciousness, lived world, and “doing” philosophy. The fourth chapter focuses particularly on describing Maxine Greene’s thinking of freedom, in which we see how freedom plays a decisive role throughout her life. For Greene, freedom is an ideal, a hope, and an actual challenge. In addition, Greene criticizes the view that regards freedom as an endowment and, on the contrary, claiming that freedom is the capacity to surpass the given and look at things as if they could be otherwise. That is, freedom is to achieve, not to receive. After all, Greene wants to create a space for freedom. The chapter fifth, then, synthesizes the implications of Maxine Greene’s philosophy of freedom in education. In the ultimate, the last chapter of this dissertation concludes at least three directions for an adequate education for freedom. First, with attempt to improve the education in Taiwan, the government must create dialogical public spaces for educational institutions to make adequate educational policy into practice. Second, Maxine Greene’s thoughts can help educators pay attention to students’ lived world, help them wide-awake their learning obstacles, and motivate them to care for themselves and communities. Third, in order to improve students’ imagination, Greene’s thoughts can help educators create public spaces for art education.




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