  • 學位論文


The grieving process of widows

指導教授 : 王秋絨


中文摘要 本研究企圖瞭解女性喪偶者如何調適其自我悲傷的整體歷程,期能提供相關專業工作者規劃方案,及未來研究一個本土性的視野,因之,本研究擬達成以下的研究目的: 一、了解女性喪偶者在喪偶初期所呈現的生理、情感、認知與行為反應。 二、探討影響女性喪偶者悲傷調適的因素。 三、瞭解女性喪偶者調適悲傷的經驗學習與轉化歷程。 四、綜合上述,提出協助女性喪偶者悲傷調適的具體建議。 基於前述之研究目的,本研究運用質性的深度訪談法所獲得的重要結論有三: 一、 女性喪偶者的悲傷反應,係失調的認知反應與反常的生理反應、負面的情緒反應以及避開死亡事實的行為反應交互作用,並成為其悲傷調適的重點。據此,其重要的概念有二: (一) 不同的認知衝擊,將引發不同內涵的認知反應及其他悲傷反應 (二) 女性喪偶者認知反應的轉換階段是從「不可置信」、「抗拒與接受的矛盾」到最後的「明白抗議無效」 二、 「可得性資源」是女性喪偶者悲傷調適歷程中主要的轉換助力,其影響力大於個人因素與死亡事件的情境因素。 三、 女性喪偶者悲傷調適結果的重要參考依據有兩項:(一)女性喪偶者進入「介入處理」階段前所需的時間;(二)女性喪偶者介入處理的有效性。 根據前述研究結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一、 為提昇自我調適的能力,女性喪偶者宜嘗試努力的方向如下: (一)尋求宗教性解釋以減低自我的抗拒,並協助接受死亡事件的真實性 (二)覺察力與內控信念的自我滋養可避免負面的自我評價 (三)接受相關專業工作者的協助以確定自我悲傷調適的方向 (四)促進自我認知的彈性與開放,藉此降低喪偶事件的破壞力,並保持可運用資源的暢通性 二、為加強協助的有效性,女性喪偶者社會網絡成員宜提供高度同理的情緒支持、協助當事者找到死亡事件的合理解釋、讓當事者有接觸喪偶者的機會、以及避免給予當事者不當的評價或指責。 三、為提供喪偶者專業性的干預,相關專業工作者除了透過研究或臨床經驗,正視死亡經驗對個體可能形成的破壞與價值,宜協助當事者釐清自我的悲傷來源及影響其悲傷調適的因素,並開辦喪偶者成長團體課程,讓背景經驗相似者有相互交流並成長的機會,以及結合相關單位,提供女性喪偶者有效的資源網絡以協助生活的適應。


Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore the holistic process of how widows were adjusting their grief and to provide those who are concerned a localized vision of program design and research planning. Accordingly, the aims of the paper are as follows: I. To understand widows’ physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral reactions during the early bereavement II. To explore the factors affecting the effects of bereavement III. To analyze the process of widows’ experience transforming and learning from their bereavement IV. To propose concrete suggestions about the ways to help the widows Based on the aims of the paper, the following conclusions are reached by using qualitative interviews: I. As for the reactions to widows’ bereavement, disordered cognitive reactions, interacting with atypical physical reactions, negative emotional reactions, and behavioral reactions avoiding the death, constitute the main part of grief widows need to adjust .: a. Different cognitive impacts result in the different contents of cognitive reactions and others. b. The transitional stage of widows’ cognitive reactions are from “disbelief”, through “ ambivalence between resistance and acceptance”, to “understanding the invalidity of resistance”. II. Available resources, more influential than personal factors and situational factors surrounding the death, are found to be major power of helping widows transit their stages of the grieving process. III. “Time to get to the intervention stage” and “the validity of intervention itself” are two major references to the results of widows’ grieving process. The following suggestions are proposed according to the conclusions described above: I. To improve adjusting capability, here are some suggestions for widows: a. Religious explanation can decrease resistance, and help accept reality of the death. b. Self-awareness and internal locus can avoid giving negative self-image. c. By adopting assistance from professional, widows can make sure the direction of their grieving process. d. To keep cognition flexible and open, widows can lower the destruction of bereavement and stay aware of external resources. II. To enhance effectiveness of assistance, those who surround a widow are suggested to provide emotional support of highly empathy, assist widows find proper reasons of the death, help the widow to approach other widows, and avoid inappropriate evaluation or blame on widows. III. To provide widows with professional intervention, the professionals concerned are suggested to realize, on the basis of research or clinical experiences, the destruction and values caused by the death, help widows to clarify the origins and factors of their grief, apply widow-to-widow programs, by which persons with similar background experiences can share with each other, and incorporate units concerned to provide effective resource network for better life adaptability.


widow widowhood grief bereavement




