  • 學位論文


A Study on Taipei Municipal High School Students' Satisfaction of Campus Sports Facilities

指導教授 : 錢紀明


台北市立國中生使用校內運動場地設施滿意度調查研究 摘 要 本研究旨在於瞭解國中生使用校內運動場地設施的情形及使用後滿意度之高低,同時探討滿意度高低受哪些因素影響。以台北市立國民中學九十一學年度二、三年級男、女學生共1,428名為研究對象,並以「國中生使用校內運動場地設施滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,進行問卷調查。所得資料分別以敘述統計、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費法與皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法進行分析,結果發現: 一、國中生使用校內運動場地設施從事運動的情形 (一)學生對學校的運動場地開放辦法或使用注意事項的認知普遍低落。 (二)超過半數的學生只在上體育課或社團活動時,使用校內運動場地設施從事運動。 (三)有52.9﹪的學生每週平均使用校內運動場地設施從事運動的次數少於1次。 (四)學生利用校內運動場地設施從事運動每次的持續使用時間平均在1小時以內。 (五)學生多數選擇同班或社團同學為運動同伴,其次為鄰居或朋友。 (六)學生使用校內運動場地設施從事運動,以室外球場和田徑場為主要的使用類型。 (七)學生使用學校運動場地設施後,有79﹪的人願意再次使用來從事運動。 二、國中生使用校內運動場地設施之使用滿意度 (一)學校運動場地設施整體性使用滿意度 1.學生對校內運動場地設施的整體性使用滿意度為「普通」。 2.不同的「性別」、「年級」、「成員身分」、「學校區域」、「使用時段」、「使用次數」學生對校內運動場地設施的整體性使用滿意度有顯著的差異存在。 (二)學校各項運動場地設施使用滿意度 1.學生對校內各項室內、外運動場地設施的使用滿意度範圍介於「普通」和「不滿意」之間。 2.學生對校內各項室內、外運動場地設施感到不滿意的前五項原因依序為:器材不好、課餘不開放、數量不足、骯髒雜亂、通風不良。 3.不同的「性別」、「年級」、「成員身分」、「學校區域」、「使用時段」、「使用次數」、「持續使用時間」、「運動同伴」學生對校內各項運動場地設施的使用滿意度有顯著差異存在。 4.學生對校內各項運動場地設施的使用滿意度與再次使用的意願呈現正相關。 三、國中生使用學校運動場地設施滿意度高低的影響因素 學生的不同「性別」、「年級」、「成員身分」、「學校區域」、「使用時段」、「使用次數」、「持續使用時間」、「運動同伴」、「再次使用意願」等因素,會影響國中生使用學校運動場地設施滿意度的高低。 關鍵字:台北市、國中生、運動場地設施、滿意度


A Study on Taipei Municipal High Schools Students’ Satisfaction of Campus Sports Facilities Abstract The major purpose of this study was to understand the levels of junior high students’ satisfaction of campus sports facilities. Questionnaire were used in this study 1,428 junior high school students from second-grade and third-grade in Taipei City were selected as the subjects in this study. The research tool in this study is “Questionnaire on the Junior High Student’ Satisfaction of Campus Sports Facilities”. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi square statistics, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe' posterior comparison, Pearson production-moment correlation. The main findings were as follows: Ⅰ.The usage of sports facilities 1.Students generally have lower cognition toward the rules and notice of sports facilities. 2.Over half of the students only used the sports facilities when they were in Physical Education extracurricular activities. 3. 52.9% students used the sports facilities less than one time in a week. 4.The time student spent on using sports facilities is within one hour. 5.Most students chose the classmates in the same class or extracurricular activities as their companion, then the neighbors or friends were their second choice. 6.Outdoor sports field and basketball courts are the major types that students used. 7.After using the sports facilities, 79% students were willing to exercise again. Ⅱ. The students’ level of satisfaction of campus sports facilities 1. Toward the overall facilities 1) The level of overall satisfaction of campus sports facilities was average. 2) The level of overall satisfaction of campus sports facilities was significant due to different grades, gender, school districts, members of users, the time and frequency of use. 2.Toward each sports facility 1) The level of satisfaction of the indoor and outdoor sports facilities was between average and unsatisfied. 2) The top five factors that students feel unsatisfied with sports facilities were the poor equipments, opening hours, amount of equipments, poor air-condition and dirty equipments. 3) The level of satisfaction of each sports facility was significant due to different grades, gender, school districts, members of users, companion and the time, length, frequency of use. 4) Students’ level of satisfaction of sports facilities was correlated to their willingness to use again. Ⅲ.The factors that affected students’ level of satisfaction of campus sports facilities The factors that contribute to levels of students satisfaction with regard to the sports facilities included: gender, grades, school districts, members of users, the time of use, length of use , frequency of use , companion and the willingness to use again . Key words: Taipei City, junior high school students, sports facilities, satisfaction.




