  • 學位論文


Study on the Development of Sports Agent in China

指導教授 : 詹德基


「經紀人」中國自古有之,但在中共建政之後,便已消聲匿跡,直到1978年,中共十一屆三中全會以後,經紀人才又重新興起。運動經紀人在中國的興起約在1980年代,隨著體育體制改革的不斷深入,運動職業化逐漸形成,1990年代開始有人經紀外國運動員到中國進行比賽和表演。1993年3月,李偉在北京成功舉辦國際職業拳擊冠軍賽,成為中國首位持有IBF職業經紀人營業執照的運動經紀人。1995年,中國國家體委公布《體育產業發展綱要》,提出了逐步建立各種運動競賽仲介機構。足球職業化更為運動經紀人拓展了寬廣的舞台。1997年10月,中國出現第一家運動經紀公司。2003年6月22日,浙江省運動經紀人協會在杭州市成立,代表中國運動經紀人的發展又向前邁進一步。運動經紀人可謂運動生產與消費間之樞紐,其對運動市場的活絡、運動商業價值的發展,均有著不可低估之作用。我國雖未訂定相關法規,然而此一重要角色隨著我國運動員進入國際運動舞台而備受矚目。本研究以歷史研究法和文獻分析法,就運動經紀人的基本理論,國際運動經紀人的管理體制與運行機制,中國運動經紀人目前的發展狀況和前景等展開研究,並對中國建立運動經紀人的管理體制、法規體系、培養方式等進行探討。獲得以下結論: 一、中國運動經紀人的概念與類別與歐美國家並無明顯差異,顯見運動經紀人乃資本主義下的產物。 二、中國運動經紀人發展的真正起點在於經濟體制的改變,運動職業化則是催化劑;目前中國運動經紀業處於新興時期,仍有相當大的發展空間。 三、目前中國運動經紀人的主要培養方式只能應急,在大學課程中培養相關人才是國際潮流,也是提升運動經紀人素質的長遠之計。 四、中國運動經紀管理法制已漸上軌道;但管理手段須從人治化走向法制化。 五、中國運動經紀人未來發展將與國際運動經紀人同步走向專業化、全面化、多角化、國際化與網路化。 期待這樣的研究能對我國未來規劃運動經紀人制度有所啟發。


Abstract “Agent” has been existing in China since the ancient time though it disappeared once after the establishment of the regime of the People’s Republic of China. In 1978 agency became a line of business again after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CPC. Sports professionalization was formed gradually following the progress of the sports system reformation. Beginning in the 1990’s, there were many games and demonstration by foreign sport players arranged by sports agents. In March 1993, Li Wei successfully held an international professional boxing championship and became the first IBF professional sports agent in China. In 1995, the Physical Culture and Sports Commission promulgated a guideline for development of sports industry and help setting up of agencies for different sports. Professionalization of soccer further extended the stage for sports agent. In October 1997, the first sports agency company in China was formed. On June 22, 2003, Zhejiiang Province Sports Agents Association was founded in Hangzhou, representing a further progress of the development of sports agents in China. Sports agents are the key for production and consumption of sports, their effect to the promotion of sports market and the development of commercial values for sports should not be under evaluated. Though there are no laws or regulations related to sports agent in Taiwan, the importance of such a role has been a focus following the entry of sportspersons to the international sports market. In this study, the following conclusions were obtained by historic research and literature analysis in discussion on basis theory of sports agent, the management and operation systems for international sports agent, the current development status and prospect of sports agent in China and exploration on the sports agent management system, regulatory system and, training method for sports agents in China. 1. There is no significant difference between China and the western countries in concept and type of sports agent. Then apparently sports agent is a product in capitalism. 2, Economic reformation was the real start point for development of sports agent in China, and sports professionalization is its catalyst. Sport agency business in China is now at the emerging state, and there is a considerable large potential for growing. 3. The current method for training of sports agent in China can only meet the urgent need. Training sports agents in university is an international trend, and is the best way to promote the quality of sports agent. 4. Though China has already had a good regulatory system to manage sports agent, in practice implementation shall be regulatory system oriented to minimize intervention by human factor. 5. Development of sports agent in China will become professional, integrated diversified, and networked, synchronized with the international sports agency market. It is expected that findings in this research can serve to contribute to the planning of sports agency system in Taiwan.




