  • 學位論文

遊客與政府機關認知差異性 ─以大溪老街資訊搜尋、目的地印象分析為例

The differences of perspectives between visitors and official authorities -Analysis of information-searching and the destination’s impressions for Da-shi antique street

指導教授 : 羅景文
共同指導教授 : 吳克(KE WU)


位於大溪鎮之「大溪老街」,經過文建會輔導及老街住民自覺運動後,已成為知名的台灣北部觀光景點。本研究針對大溪老街遊客、大溪鎮公所行政人員進行問卷蒐集,經由受試者實際走訪三條老街後,由訪員登錄意見,以了解遊客與政府機關人員對大溪旅遊目的地意象、旅遊資訊搜尋是否有明顯差異。 本研究先針對到訪大溪老街遊客的343份有效樣本,進行變異數分析與事後比較,結果發現:1.不同年齡、收入、教育程度、居住地區及職業的遊客,在旅遊目的地意象上有顯著差異。2.不同年齡、教育程度的遊客,在旅客資訊搜尋上有顯著差異。3.旅遊資訊搜尋與遊客滿意度之間有顯著正相關。4.旅遊目的地意象對遊客滿意度有顯著正向影響。顯見口碑行銷與自我經驗的認知,是左右遊客前往大溪的主要因素。 相同問卷也給予政府機關人員填寫,得到50份有效問卷樣本,再進行變異數分析與事後比較,結果發現:政府機關人員認為許多大溪老街獨有的自然、人文風味特色、景點知名度會吸引遊客前往,但經過分析,大溪老街的地方農特產品如:豆干,對遊客來說反倒較具吸引力,顯見政府機關人員與遊客對吸引遊客前往大溪的元素有認知落差。建議大溪鎮公所在未來宣傳時,不應一再強調大溪的自然、人文風情吸引遊客,反而可以著墨於專屬地方特色商品。


Da-shi antique street」located in Da-shi Township has been a well-known sight-seeing landscape after being consulted by the Council of culture affairs and the self-awareness movement of its local residents. This research was to find out if any differences of perspectives about information-searching and the destination’s images for Da-shi antique street between visitors and official authorities by issuing and collecting questionnaire towards visitors and the official administrators of DA-SHI township office after they actually visited three DA-SHI antique street. This research conducted a variables analysis and aftermath comparison based on 343 effective samples got from those who visited DA-SHI antique street. Final results showed that 1: the perspectives of destination’s images were quite different among visitors with varied ages, incomes, educations, places they live and occupations. 2: Visitors with different ages and educations also showed astonish difference in searching information-for-visiting. 3: Searching information-for- visiting was positively related to visiting destination’s images obviously. 4: visiting destination’s images had positive impacts on visitor’s satisfaction strongly.The willingness for visitors visiting DAI-SHI were affected by both fame-marketing and self-concept of experiences. Additionally, 50 effective questionnaire samples from official authorities were applied to conduct variables analysis and aftermath comparison, finding out that officials considered those unique local characteristics of nature and humane will attract visitors to visit DAI-SHI, but analytical results some gaps between them. The offices of DA-SHI Township chould focus on local unique comm0ndities rather than again and again emphasize its both natural and humane characteristics to attract visitors.


