  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Low Self-Control and Suicide:Drug Abusers as Example

指導教授 : 許春金


自殺是一種複雜的行為,舉凡遺傳、心理、生理、社會等觀點的討論不在少數,然而以犯罪學角度探討卻不多見。自殺在犯罪學角度被視為犯罪,是加害人同時也是被害人。依據Gottfredson and Hirschi(1990)的一般犯罪理論視犯罪肇因於個體低自我控制之結果,因此本研究嘗試以一般化犯罪理論加以探討低自我控制與自殺間是否具相關性及社會控制社會對低自我控制與自殺之影響力。 本研究旨在了解矯治機構中之戒治人及受刑人之自殺特質。樣本取自六所矯治機關的「受戒治人」及「受刑人」,年齡介於20至65歲間,收案自2013年3月至4月間,共610位研究對象,有效問卷為530人(87%)。主要將樣本依性別、年齡、婚姻、教育、職業、身分、疾病、吸毒、自殺意念、自殺未遂等項目作描述性統計;樣本之基本資料與自殺的關係採卡方檢定; 樣本之基本資料與低自我控制、憂鬱傾向及家庭依附關係及趨勢檢定採獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、羅輯式迴歸及線性迴歸;低自我控制、憂鬱傾向及家庭依附對自殺與否採羅輯式迴歸及巢氏迴歸進行分析討論。 本研究結果包括:(一)在自殺方面,女性無論在自殺意念或自殺未遂比率皆高於男性,但和年齡無關;在自殺的選擇上是以吃藥、割腕居多;在自殺原因方面,20-40歲是以感情因素為主、41-50歲以經濟因素為主,51-65歲則以疾病因素為主。(二)低自我控制之「易怒」、家庭依附及憂鬱傾向皆可有效預測自殺,尤以憂鬱傾向最為重要。(三)低自我控制與家庭依附具「負相關」,顯示自我控制力越低,其家庭依附越低。 「受戒治人」及「受刑人」其憂鬱傾向與入監前自殺比例均較一般人高。自殺視為犯罪,其中低自我控制中只有「易怒」和自殺具低度相關性,雖仍無法充分解釋自殺之成因,但其中自殺意念及家人自殺史則是扮演重要角色。中介變項中,尤以憂鬱傾向最可有效預測自殺。因此自殺意念、家庭經驗及憂鬱傾向在自殺中是值得注意的,說明了穩定家庭結構及培養健全人格是防治自殺之重要工作。


Suicide is a complex behavior, genetic, psychological, physiological,and social perspectives are often been discussed,but are rarely seen from criminology’s perspective.Suicide is considered a crime in criminological point of view.Person who commits suicide is considered both the perpetrator and the victim.According to Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime(1990),crime is the result of individual with low self-control and opportunity.In this study, attempts to generalize low self-control theory by exploring whether there is correlation between low self-control and suicide,and the influence of the social control over low self-control and suicide. This study aims to understand the correction institution’s "drug abusers " and “inmates”of suicidal character.Samples were taken from six correction institution’s " drug abusers " and "inmates", between the ages of 20-65 years of age, enrolled from March 2013 to April,a total of 610 subjects, 530 valid questionnaires (87%). The samples are mainly divided by gender,age,marital status,education,occupation,identity, disease,drug abuse,suicidal ideation,suicide attempts and other projects for descriptive statistics. Samples’basic information and relation to suicide adopts the chi-square test. Samples’basic data and low self-control, depression and family attachment tendencies relationship and trends adopt the independent t test, one-way ANOVA analysis, logic regression and linear regression. Suicide decision depending on low self-control, depression tendencies and families attactment adopts the logistic regression and nested regression analysis test and it’s been analyzed and discussed. The results of study included:(一)On the side of suicide, females regardless of suicidal ideation or suicide attempts were higher than the male rate, but regardless of age, and the majority choice of suicide is medicine taking and wrist slitting.The causes of suicide,from age 20-40 years are caused by emotional factors, age 41-50 years by economic factors, and aged 51-65 years are mainly caused by disease factors.(二) People with Low self-control in terms " bad temper",family attachment and depression can effectively predict their suicidal tendencies. (三) Low self-control and family attachment with "negative correlation" indicating that the lower the self-control is, the lower is the attachment on their families. " drug abusers " and "inmates" before in jail tendency towards depression is higher than the average suicide rate. Suicide is seen as a crime, among low self-control, only "bad temper" and suicide had a low degrees of correlation,though still cannot fully explain the causes of suicide, but family history of suicide and suicidal ideation plays an important role.Among the mediator variables,especially “depression tendancy”can most effectively a predictor of the suicide.Thus suicidal ideation,family experiences and depression were noteworthy.Hence,stable family structure and cultivation of a healthy personality is the important work in suicide prevention.


