  • 學位論文


Under the uncertainty of demand, analyzing social welfare by delaying the delivery of public goods

指導教授 : 翁仁甫


由於一般社會上的觀點或學者的分析大多傾向於政府延遲所帶來社會福利的負面衝擊,本文所欲探討的是如何「扭轉」這些負面影響的看法,詳言之,是否存在某種情況或條件下使延遲的正面效果大於負面效果呢?文章將由政府的觀點切入,在需求不確定的情況之下,試著找出是否某些公共財貨的延遲,在特定的條件之下,可增進社會福利,以做為支持公共財貨提供時點延遲的合理性。 本文的研究方法將沿用Matimort的委託-代理(principal-agent)的基本模型架構,但僅將消費者區分為兩種類型(types)以簡化分析。除了將採用此模型從完全資訊下的環境進而切入至不完全資訊下的結果做說明之外,分析尚需加入「時間延遲」的因素即貼現因子作為考量,而與文獻最大的不同點是在於我們將站在需求面的角度下來分析結果。 此外,本文也推導出延遲可讓公共財增進社會福利的充分且必要之條件式並以實際的數值範例證明我們的結論是正確的。綜覽上述所言,本文強調在一定的條件成立之下,公共財的延遲提供可以有效增進社會福利。


延遲 委託-代理


In general points of view, delaying the delivery of public goods will mostly lead to the negative influence for social welfare. This paper wants to ‘twist’ the standpoints. Specifically, given some particular conditions the delivery of public goods with time delay might lead to the positive influence better than negative one. In previous literature, such aspects are few to be noticed until recent years. This study follows the basic framework of Matimort’s principal-agent model (2005), analyzing social welfare by delaying the delivery of public goods under the uncertainty of demand, but just in two types for simplifying the model. We not only show that a positive but finite delay can be optimal in the delivery of public goods and provide a condition differentiating welfare-improving delays from welfare-worsening ones, but also show an example which prove the advancement of social welfare by computing the theoretical data to prove our conclusion are right! Keywords: time delay, principal-agent


delay principal-agent


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