  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Industrial Cluster and Regional Economic Resilience in Taiwan’s Yacht Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 周志龍


本研究關注於臺灣遊艇產業群聚的發展,目的在於用此案例探討產業群聚可能同時面臨之現象-成長與衰退,與強化既有產業群聚的討論面向。臺灣遊艇產業的發展並非一路順遂成長,反而曾經是國內成長幅度最大的產業之一,同樣也是最迅速沒落的傳統產業,不但走過 80 年代的風光時期,更經歷 90 年代慘澹低迷的歲月,然而在具有堅強「韌性」的產業積極轉型下,力求突破困境與創新,打破造船業即「夕陽產業」的既定印象。此產業的發展歷程完整體現了產業群聚可能同時面臨的成長與衰退,故以作為本研究分析產業群聚與區域經濟回復分析的研究主體。   基於上述,本研究提出得以觀察臺灣遊艇產業群聚回復力建構之分析架構;並透過廣泛性次級資料蒐集,以及領導廠商深度訪談、個案觀察與分析之方法,試圖梳理出臺灣遊艇產業群聚之發展脈絡,以及區域經濟回復力建構的因子與其動態過程。   研究結論得出,臺灣遊艇產業群聚的演化完整地經歷了四個發展階段,並以企業家為核心,由北向南的群聚空間轉變,形成今日的高雄遊艇產業聚落。而在區域經濟回復力在臺灣產業群聚田野研究之應用,本研究首先經過衝擊分析,再透過「產業網絡」與「企業家」兩層次觀察,發現臺灣遊艇產業回復力建構的因子,在於極為談性的勞力制度與緊密的社會支援網絡支撐,給予核心廠商渡過每一次的產業衝擊的養分;以及國家角色在平時給予的產業輔導與協助所產生的效用;而具有企業家具備的機會察覺的敏感度、永續經營的理念、漸進式創新的學習態度、勇於冒險嘗試的精神,以及對於產業的認同感,皆是造就臺灣遊艇產業韌性之所在。最後,本研究發現的是,區域經濟回復力與產業群聚理論的進化發展中,區域經濟回復力概念提供了我們另一個對於產業群聚的不同的解釋與理解方式;也能為政策的制訂與研擬過程中帶來另一思考方式。特別是在近年來隨著各種影響經濟發展衝擊不斷發生的全球環境下,尤能凸顯其重要性與討論的必要性。


This research focuses on the development of Taiwan’s yacht industrial cluster. It aims to use this case to discuss what an industrial cluster may face- the growth and decline and to strengthen the existing discussion orientation of industrial cluster area. Backtracking development of Taiwan's yacht industry, it was not a smooth process, but it went through a series ups and downs reaching its peak in the 1980s and suffering in economic recession on 1990s. However, in the transformation and innovation efforts, this industry overcame difficulties and broke "sunset industry" impression. From this view the developing process of Taiwan’s yacht industry, it reflects the complete face of an industrial cluster which may encounter the growth and decline. Thus we think it is a suitable subject to conduct the research on the analysis of industrial cluster and regional economic resilience. In terms of research methods, we offered a framework to analyze resilience of Taiwan’s yacht industrial cluster. And through the extensive secondary data collection, the in-depth interviews with key interviewees, case observation and analysis to sort out the context of the development of Taiwan's yacht industrial cluster and find out the factors which make this industry resilient and its dynamic construction process. In the research result, firstly we find that the evolution of Taiwan's yacht industrial cluster completely gone through four stages of development. And Entrepreneurs led a cluster space transfer from north to south part of Taiwan- Kaohsiung. Secondly, regarding of the application regional economic resilience in Taiwan’s study field, we firstly analyzed the external and internal impact, and then using two-level observation framework to find the resilience components in Taiwanese yacht industry. We found that the resilience construction factors came from the support from an extremely flexible labor and production network and a tightening social network which made yacht manufacturing firms overcame every industry impacts. Besides, the guidance and assistance from the government, and entrepreneurs with entrepreneurship are the crucial factors to enhance the resilience of this industry. Finally, in the evolution of regional economic resilience and industrial cluster theory, we think that regional economic resilience concept offers a different interpretation and understanding way to study industrial clusters, also offers another way to rethink our industrial policies. Especially in recent years, with various economic impacts happened in the global environment frequently, which highlight the importance and necessity to discuss the concept of resilience.


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