  • 學位論文


The Behavior Code and the Issue of Collective Hair Dyeing among Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


本研究藉由國中生集體染髮行為的普遍現象,意圖探討教育部自2005年7月起,對所有學校實施完全解除髮禁政策以來,實際教育現場與政策間的矛盾,及如何應變的國中校園現況。本研究採取質性研究方法,以立意抽樣選取研究對象,在臺灣北部地區公立國中場域共訪談12位人員:2位國中行政主管、2位國中導師、2位染髮國中生、1位未染髮國中生、1位染髮學生家長、1位家長會長、1位美髮師家長、1位人本基金會教育人員、1位地方法院少年保護官。訪談資料分析結果,共有七項重要發現:一、教育部一再宣示「解除髮禁」;事實上至今國中端仍在管理學生髮式。二、對未成年學生頭髮的解禁,更現「家庭教育」的不足及學校教育與規範的重要。三、國中生髮式的自由,非獨立自主與審美能力的學習途徑。四、青少年集體染髮次文化背後的家庭教育與同儕壓力。五、染髮學生與大部分不染髮學生漸行漸遠,向外尋求支持的力量的風險。六、集體染髮學生造成社區的不良觀感,引發越區就讀恐慌。七、「健康優先的考量」是所有受訪者一致的看法。本文最後提出三項建議:一、請教育部重啟討論學生髮式問題,廣納各方意見,以安全、健康為優先考量。 二、管理學生髮型宜因地制宜,回歸學校自主方案。三、以「兒童及少年福利與權益保障」立場,考慮將染髮行為視為可能危害兒少身心健康來源之一。


國中生 集體染髮 髮禁 次文化


Collective hair dyeing is common among junior high school students. Regarding this phenomenon, the research explored the tensions between the classroom teaching situation and government policy (the Ministry of Education of Taiwan revoked previous hair regulations for schools in July, 2005). Also this research sought to find out how this issue is now dealt with in current junior high schools. A qualitative research method is used, selecting research subjects via purposive sampling in public junior high schools in the northern region of Taiwan. Twelve persons were interviewed: 2 junior high school administrators, 2 junior high school teachers, 2 junior high school students (who dyed their hair), 1 student (no dyed hair), 1 parent of a student with dyed hair, the chairman of the parent’s association, 1 student parent who is a barber, 1 educator from the Humanistic Education Foundation, 1 district court juvenile probation officer. There are seven major findings : First, in spite of the revocation by the Ministry of Education, junior high schools still place restrictions on students’ hairstyles. Second, attempts to regulate hair style in schools illustrates the tension between family and school. Third, giving junior high school students freedom to choose their own hairstyle does not serve as a means for expressing autonomy and does not foster aesthetic abilities. Fourth, family and peer pressure are factors behind juvenile collective hair dyeing. Fifth, the students who dye their hair are estranged from those who do not dye their hair, increasing the risks of seeking rapport outside the classroom. Sixth, collective hair dyeing has an impact on community perceptions of schools. Finally, all interviewees agree that hair dye has chemicals which can affect health. From the research, there are three suggestions: First, the Education Ministry should reconsider the ban and should take opinions from all sectors into consideration, setting safety and health as the key priority. Second, the control of student hairstyles should suit the needs of local schools, and the schools should have the autonomy to regulate the students’ hairstyles. Third, considering “the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights”, hair dyeing behavior should be seen as one of the possible dangers that threaten the physical and mental health of children and adolescents.


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