  • 學位論文


The development of MICE industry and construction of the World City

指導教授 : 周志龍


會展產業在全球化的世界都市競爭激烈的發展下,已經成為世界都市競爭策略重點之ㄧ,在都市發展建構當中,會展產業不但具有都市知識經濟論,且還可提升都市競爭力,在目前有關世界都市的特性及機能的研究文獻中,並未針對會展產業的發展與世界都市之建構有相關的研究論述,因此本研究在這樣的背景之下,試圖將會展產業分成綜合型及專業型會展,從都市知識經濟及都市競爭力之層面,探討都市如何透過會展產業之推動,達成與世界都市之聯結。   首先,從本研究之國外案例可以發現,國際級綜合型會展已經成為國際都市帶動城市甚至是國家之社會全方位發展之重要活動,其藉國際級會展促進都市會展產業的發展,並帶動其他產業,加速都市各項建設發展、強化市民認同及參與,進而提昇國際能見度及國際認同,成為建構區域競爭優勢之驅動產業。然而台灣也爭取到2009高雄世界運動會、2009台北聽障奧運及2010台北國際花卉博覽會等國際級綜合會展,在這舉辦過程中,政黨政治的對立及國家內部跨層級與部門之組織整合力不足,不斷影響著國際綜合會展之舉辦,加上南北市民對於國際活動之參與認同差異兩極化、台灣缺乏舉辦國際大型活動之經驗使得國際行銷的能力與經驗不足,造成國家民族的認同度之提升未能顯現,後續場館營運之產業效益與挑戰在藍綠政黨對立與政策動向不明確之影響下,未來發展還是未知數。是故,台灣受到空間層級之兩岸關係及國家內部政治對立之影響,使得欲藉由舉辦國際級綜合型會展之契機,帶動都市成長與世界都市建構之成效降低。   反之,在國際級專業型會展中,本研究針對台北國際電腦展、台北國際自行車展及台北國際工具機展之案例研究發現,在這國際級專業會展中,知識、技術和人才在這個場域中不斷流動,並且建構出會展活動中之社會網絡,在這樣短暫群聚的空間上,產生地方互動與全球連結的作用,提供產業學習與創新的管道,並藉由網絡中之行動者之集體關係學習的鑲嵌,讓這樣的關係延續到會後的交流。將知識消化、轉換到利用,強化產業之學習與創新,然後將產生出新的產品、新技術、新知識於國際專業展覽會中呈現出來,長期下來,國際專業展覽則形成為國外及國內企業廠商每年都必須參加、及聚集的活動場合,也逐漸形成了永久性群聚。這樣的循環不僅提升地方產業競爭力,也帶動都市產業發展在世界都市的位階,進而提昇國家與都市的軟實力。


MICE industry, under the intense competition of globalized world cities, has already become one of the crucial competition strategies. In the process of world-city development and construction, MICE industry can not only provide urban knowledge-based economy but also enhance urban competitiveness. However, nowadays few relevant studies or researches on the issues of development of MICE and construction of world city can be found in the documents about the features and functions of world cities. It is because of the above reasons that this study attempts to segment the MICE industry into two classifications---the synthesis MICE and the specialty MICE, with the purpose to discuss, based on urban knowledge economy and urban competitiveness, how to establish a link between cities and world cities through the promotion of MICE industry. First of all, from foreign cases adopted in this research, it can be found that the international synthesis MICE have become the crucial activities for the international cities to lead to the over-all social development of the suburban cities and even the whole nation. What’s more, the international synthesis MICE can enhance the development of metropolitan MICE industry, booming other industries, accelerating the city development, strengthening the residential identification and participation, and then promoting the international visibility and identification. It has become the driving industry to gain the regional competitive advantages. Even though Taiwan has successfully striven for hosting some of international synthesis MICE activities, such as World Game Kaohsiung 2009, 21st Summer Deaflympics Taipei 2009 and TAIPEI INT'L FLORA EXPO 2010, yet the sharp conflicts among political parties as well as the inefficiency in cross-ministry integration, have constantly affected the performance of international synthesis MICE. Moreover, the extreme differences of north-and-south residents of Taiwan in their opinions about the participation and identification of the international synthesis MICE, plus the insufficient experiences in hosting international activities and marketing ability, make it hard for Taiwan to enhance her national identification. Therefore, under the conflicts among political parties and the indefinite policy of the government, what remains uncertain is the industrial benefits and challenges of the follow-up facility operation. With the above disadvantages, and under the unstable influence of cross-strait relations and conflicts among political parties, it is most likely that Taiwan may not achieve as much as she desires in driving the urban growth and construction of world city by hosting the international synthesis MICE. On the other hand, in the aspect of the international specialty MICE, there are some findings from the case studies of Computex Taipei, Taipei Cycle and Taipei International Machine tool, in which knowledge, technology and talented persons flow unceasingly in this field, constructing the social network of MICE activities In such temporary clusters, the interaction between the local buzz and global pipeline is generated, providing the pipeline for learning and innovation, and extending the communication relationship through embedding the relationship learning among the Net workers. This makes possible the digestion, transformation, utilization of knowledge, strengthening the industrial learning and innovation, and then creating the brand-new products, technology and knowledge to be presented at the international specialty exhibitions. After a long period of time, the international specialty exhibitions will become the essential and annual occasions, which drive overseas and the domestic enterprises to participate, and finally develop into the permanent clusters. Such circulation not only enhances competitive power of the local industries, but also upgrades the development of urban industry to the world-city ranking, and furthermore, strengthens the soft power of the metropolis and the nation.




黃毓婉(2010)。事件行銷打造全球化城市之策略- 以上海世博為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.01368
