  • 學位論文


A Legal Study on the Causes of Returning of the Lodged Security

指導教授 : 林誠二


我國關於訴訟費用之擔保,其擔保物返還事由雖然依民事訴訟法第104條第1項規定有三款事由,然而各款解釋適用上仍生相當疑義,此問題尤其於其他依法令供擔保之情形更為顯著。因此本論文研究目的即在於探討各款返還事由之價值中心,並整理分析我國實務見解及參酌日本實務、學說見解後,提出各款事由之內涵以作為其於各訴訟上供擔保制度適用時之解釋標準。以下就本論文各章內容加以說明: 第一章「緒論」乃對於論文題目之研究動機、論文用語加以說明,並對研究方法與範圍加以闡釋。第二章「一般返還事由」從德、日二國法例與我國民事訴訟法歷次修正出發,其後第三節正式進入擔保物返還事由之討論,說明各返還事由之中心思想,與其於訴訟費用擔保制度、保全處分供擔保制度與假執行供擔保制度三者應如何具體解釋適用;其中尤以民事訴訟法第104條第1項第3款事由為本章討論之重點。第三章「簡易返還事由」亦係從法規沿革出發,並說明我國與日本間簡易返還事由之差異,其後闡述提存法上各款簡易返還事由具體適用上之爭議,尤其係一般返還事由效力簡易返還事由化之情形。末則就一般、簡易返還事由交錯時,彼此適用上之先後順序作一探討。 第四章「返還障礙事由」主要針對實務上肯認執行法院對擔保物為查封、扣押時,即足以阻卻法院為返還裁定之見解為討論。此外,提存法復規定有聲請返還除斥期間之規定,其適用情形與對於一般返還事由之影響,亦係本章討論之重點。第五章「程序事由」則僅就較重要之「管轄」與「聲請權人」為討論,並將管轄區分為聲請返還時之管轄法院,與供擔保人聲請通知行使權利之管轄法院二者。至於聲請權人部分,則以是否包含「特定繼受人」作為此處之重點。第六章「結論」則統整、歸納本論文之各章研究結果,以方便讀者得迅速回顧各章之重點,再次對本論文重行作一全面性之瞭解。


Though there are three causes of returning of the lodged security for litigation expenses formulated in Article 104, Paragraph 1, Subsections1-3 of Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure, how to exercise these causes is still a complex problem. It is even more perplexing when applying mutatis mutandis to other securities duly provided for purposes of litigation pursuant to applicable laws. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore the meaning of each subsection, and then tries to propose after analyzing the juridical practice in Taiwan, referring to Japanese juridical practice and theories. The chapters are introduced as following: Chapter 1 “Introduction” clarifies the motive for the study, the definition of specific words, and interprets both the method and the range of research in this thesis. Chapter 2 “General causes” begins with the description of German and Japanese code of civil procedure and previous amendments of Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure, and then inaugurates the discussions of the causes of returning the lodged security in section 3, explaining the meaning of each cause and applying mutatis mutandis to other securities duly provided for purposes of litigation expenses, provisional remedies and provisional execution. Especially Article 104, Paragraph 1, Subsection 3 of Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure is the priority of this chapter. Chapter 3 “Simple causes” also begins with the regulatory history of Act of lodging, and then explains the debates of exercising the causes formulated in Act of lodging, especially in the case that “General causes” turns into “Simple causes”. Finally it's making clear the sequence of exercising the causes formulated in Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure and Act of lodging. Chapter 4 “Obstacle of return” mainly has a discussion about whether lodged security seized as an obstacle is reasonable or not. Besides, the effect of period of immunity formulated in Act of lodging on “General causes” is also the point in this chapter. Chapter 5“Procedural causes” focuses on “Jurisdiction” and “Obligee”, and divides “Jurisdiction” into returning lodged security and notice of exercising right. As to “Obligee”, it pays attention to “specific successor”. Chapter 6 “Conclusion” summarizes all achievements, so that readers could review each chapter’s emphasis rapidly and have an overall realization about this thesis.


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