  • 學位論文


Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of Hybrid Electric Bus and Traditional Diesel Fuel Bus

指導教授 : 陳秋楊


面對交通擁擠、空氣品質日益惡化,以及油價逐年高漲的壓力下,發展低污染運輸成為積極推動的節能減碳政策之一,目前世界各國大力推廣油電混合動力公車,以降低運輸對環境的污染。 本研究界定之生命週期包括使用、廢棄、以及最終之回收清除處理處置等階段,藉以評估政府推廣油電混合動力公車之適宜性,本研究採用簡易式生命週期評估方法,針對我國目前推動之油電混合動力公車進行使用與廢棄回收階段之生命週期盤查分析,並與傳統柴油公車作比較,從環境面、能源面比較兩者之優異。 本研究之功能單位定義為432,160公里,研究結果顯示,使用階段傳統柴油公車之能源耗用量為171,567.52公升,油電混合動力公車之能源耗用量為143,477.12公升,後者節省約16%的能源耗用。在空氣污染排放量比較上,油電混合動力公車之TSP、PM10、SOX、NOX、THC、CO and CO2排放量皆比傳統柴油公車排放量少。廢棄回收階段之油電混合動力公車產生的有害廢棄物高達503.52 kg,為傳統柴油公車的2.68倍,顯示油電混合動力公車廢棄後產生大量有害廢棄物,主要原因是油電混合動力公車的電池使用量較大。 油電混合動力公車在空氣污染排放量與能源耗用量上皆優於傳統柴油公車;有害事業廢棄物產量上,油電混合動力公車劣於傳統柴油公車,在研究假設為8年的使用期限中,油電混合動力公車所更換的鉛酸電瓶為傳統柴油公車之2倍,多加上2.7倍的鋰錳電池數量,在電池使用上,則不具經濟性與環保性,因此建議政府宜對電池加強研發或改善,以加速推廣之普遍,並減少對環境之污染負荷。


Faced with the traffic congestion, air quality deterioration, and the pressure of rising oil price recently, it is important to develop the electric green transportation industry. Now, the promotion of the Hybrid Electric Bus can significantly reduce the pollution generated by the transportation of vehicles. This study aims at evaluating whether policy promotion about the Hybrid Electric Bus is appropriate by using life cycle inventory analysis to compare the Hybrid Electric Bus and the Traditional Diesel Fuel Bus in the use and disposal stages. The life cycle stages considered include the use and the end-of-life discard of the vehicles. Since neither the entire life cycle nor the impact assessment phase is incorporated, the study can only be referred as a streamlined life cycle assessment. In order to implement a comparable basis, the functional unit is defined as every 432,160 km use of the bus. During the use phase, the energy consumption of the Traditional Diesel Fuel Bus is 171,567.52 L while the Hybrid Electric Bus is 143,477.12 L. The energy consumption by the Hybrid Electric Bus is less 16% than the Traditional Diesel Fuel Bus.


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