  • 學位論文

職業工會導入 TTQS訓練品質系統之回應性評估:以新北市為例

The Responsive Evaluation to TTQS System Practicing in the Trade Unions in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 顧慕晴


新北市政府勞工局自2011年起至2013年規劃「輔導工會導入TTQS訓練品質系統計畫」,補助總工會執行計畫,鼓勵轄內職業工會參與,目的在健全職業工會體質,以提升工會辦訓品質、促使工會運作發展、契合政府人力資源訓練趨勢等目標,擺脫外界認定職業工會為花瓶工會或勞保工會的刻板印象,對於職業工會自身組織,則有機會藉此開拓另一個生存發展空間。公共政策學者 Guba & Lincoln 提出回應性評估,強調政策利害關係人的內心感受,及政策利害關係的訴求(claims)、關切(concerns)與議題(issues)。 本研究以新北市政府勞工局推動「輔導工會導入TTQS訓練品質系統計畫」為例,採回應性評估觀點探討規劃單位-勞工局;執行單位-總工會;標的團體-職業工會等相關政策利害關係人對於該計畫之主張、關切(concerns)與議題,以文獻分析法及深度訪談法進行研究,透過「政策設計妥適性」、「執行者意向」、「目標達成度」和「顧客滿意度」四項政策評估標準,分析計畫的執行現況與問題。 本研究發現: 一、政策設計妥適性:計畫目標定位清楚;計畫與目標間有良好因果關係;利害關係人間溝通明確;資源豐沛與否取決於工會自有資源程度。 二、執行者意向:輔導計畫參與者動機想法不同,但多持認同與配合態度,而未參與輔導計畫者雖認同計畫目標,但欠缺參訓動力。 三、目標達成度:參與者皆認定TTQS可提升工會辦訓品質與工會運作發展;契合政府人力資源訓練趨勢目標較難立竿見影;阻礙計畫推動的主因在於「人的因素」與「場地因素」;補助經費由總工會執行輔導計畫模式,確可達成目標。 四、顧客滿意度:利害關係人間對彼此展現成效多滿意。 最後,綜合研究發現,提出政策建議以為未來政策計畫修正之參考。


Labor Affairs Department, New Taipei City Government has planned the “TTQS (Taiwan Training Quality System) Introduction and Assistance Project for Guilds” from 2011 to 2013 to encourage guilds to join and operate the project for the purpose of improving foundation of the guilds, increasing training quality, aiding development and helping guilds to meet the goal of human resources training from the Government; also for the purpose of getting rid of the incorrect impression for guilds of being impractical and only effective in registering labor insurances. On the other hand, the project gives a new opportunity for the guild to find new ways to survive. Public policy scholars Guba & Lincoln brought up responsive evaluation to emphasize emotions, claims, concerns and issues for stakeholders related to the political loss and interest. This research takes the “TTQS (Taiwan Training Quality System) Introduction and Assistance Project for Guilds” from New Taipei City Department of Labor Affairs as the case to study, taking view of responsive evaluation to investigate the opinions, concerns and issues of related stakeholders -- Labor Affairs Department for planning, general labor guild for execution and labor guilds as targets – using Documentary Analysis and In-Depth Interview to analyze the status and problems of the project by four evaluation indicators of Policy Design Adequacy, Intention of The Executor, Goal Achievement and Customer Satisfaction. The discoveries of this research are as below: 1.Policy Design Adequacy: The position of the project goal is clear. The consequence between the plan and the goal is well related. Communication among stakeholders is smooth. Owned resources of the guild decide its sufficiency. 2.Intention of The Executor: Project participators’ motives vary, though most of them give positive attitudes to the project. Non-participators agree with the goal of the project but lack of motives. 3.Goal Achievement: Participators all agree TTQS can improve training quality and the development of guilds, though the results of meeting the goal of human resource training from the Government are not obvious. Human and place are the main blocking factors of the project, whereas the way to allocate compensation by the general labor guild is successful. 4.Customer Satisfaction: Most stakeholders are satisfied with the achievements. In sum, this research brings up suggestions for further revisions, and gives advises to the policy.






