  • 學位論文


Organizational External Trust Associated with Customer Satisfaction, Customer Relationship Management.

指導教授 : 鄧盈嘉


因為競爭激烈,信任的重要性更是一再的被強調,又因為已進入顧客關係的時代,不但要吸引新顧客,更要建立與顧客的長久的關係。企業若要永續經營就必須不斷設法獲取新顧客並維持舊有顧客,信任就是留住顧客的重要方法之一。 顧客滿意是許多企業追求的目標,也是企業經營管理重要的評估指標之一,而顧客滿意是來自對產品之功能特性或結果的知覺,以及與個人對產品的期望,兩者比較後,形成愉快或失望的感覺程度。 顧客關係管理是企業維持競爭優勢的重要方法之一,而顧客關係管理主要是透過資訊技術整合行銷、銷售、服務,並取得現有與潛在顧客資訊,預測及回應顧客需求,進而提供客製化服務。而現代企業在面臨如此激烈的競爭環境,要想獲利,就要能掌握顧客需求,因而更要仰賴顧客關係管理,強調顧客的終身價值。 隨著網際網路使用環境日趨成熟,網際網路的購物消費行為,愈來愈被消費者接受,而網路購物中心的興起,固然是為民眾帶來許多購物上的方便性,但是信任的問題也在同時備受挑戰。近年來發生多起網路詐騙事件,不但影響購物中心的形象,更導致顧客滿意度的下降,也進而影響了顧客與公司之間關係的薄弱,因此本研究採用T檢定、主成份分析、差異分析、複迴歸分析、相關分析探討組織外部信任對顧客滿意度與顧客關係管理之影響。 由研究結果發現,外部信任確實與顧客滿意度與顧客關係管理有著影響,且在顧客關係管理之長久關係、多元化、顧客導向、忠誠度等四構面對於網路購物中心的顧客關係管理之影響力較大,而外部信任對於服務人員態度以及時間控制兩方面,相較於其他構面解釋力較低,可能由於數量較少,因而有此結果。


Because of intense competition, the importance of trust is to be emphasized again and again, and also because the customer has entered an era of relations, not only to attract new customers, but also to establish long-term customer relationship. Enterprises to sustainable development is necessary to keep on trying to acquire new customers and maintain existing customers, retaining customers trust is one of the important ways. Customer satisfaction is the goal pursued by many companies, business management is also important to assess one of the indicators, and customer satisfaction is from the functional characteristics of products or the results of perception, as well as the expectations of individual products, the two are compared, the formation of a happy or disappointed with the degree of feeling. As the Internet environment matures, Internet shopping consumer behavior, are more accepted by consumers, and the rise of Internet shopping mall, of course, is to bring people to the convenience, However, the issue of trust is also subject to challenge at the same time. Taken place in recent years a number of phishing incidents not only affect the image of shopping malls, but also led to a decline in customer satisfaction, but also in turn affected the relationship between customers and the weak, and therefore T test used in this study, principal component analysis, the difference analysis, multiple regression analysis, correlation analysis to explore outside the organization on customer satisfaction and confidence in the management of the impact of customer relationship. Research results showed that trust is not related to external customer satisfaction and have the impact of customer relationship management and customer relationship management in the long-term relations, diversity, customer oriented and loyalty in the face of four network configuration of the shopping center's customer relationship management greater influence, and external confidence in the attitude of the service personnel, as well as two-time control, compared to other dimensions of the lower explanatory power, perhaps because a relatively small number, and hence the result.


