  • 學位論文


The study of designing virtual computer room using PC cluster machine with loading balance

指導教授 : 蔡德明


本研究以多部個人電腦搭配乙太網路建置成個人電腦叢集(PC Cluster)環境,再透過KVM虛擬化技術開發虛擬電腦教室系統。為解決過去相關研究所開發的系統不具還原功能、實體主機負載不均的問題,本研究以LVM快照功能與iSCSI檔案通訊協定建立一個虛擬磁碟共用的檔案系統,並在此環境下開發出一套附載平衡與快速還原機制。 在使用者連線機制方面,使用者是以RDP協定連線至Host Server再透過KVM監督器功能取得虛擬機器控制權,而並非直接透過網路連線而取得的,故若有資訊相關課程需教授重新安裝系統或設置網路,本系統亦可達成該教學目的。 最後本研究將以此系統開放崑山科技大學資訊傳播系的大學部二年級Linux作業系統課程與進修部二技伺服器建置課程使用。本研究僅以七部個人電腦便足可供應一個的班級同時上線,並當使用一段時間後仍能有效的保持實體主機的負載平衡。


This research uses multiple PC with Ethernet built into the PC cluster environment, and then uses the KVM virtualization technique to carry on the establishment virtual computer classroom system. For solving the system developed by the Institute related to the past does not have to revivification, the problem of uneven load the host entity, this research function and LVM snapshot file protocol iSCSI virtual disk to create a shared file system, and developed in this environment an attached balance and quick restore mechanism. Mechanism in the user connection, the user is connected to the Host Server RDP protocol and then get through the KVM virtual machine monitor function control, while not directly obtained through the network connection, so if IT-related courses to be Professor reinstall the system or set up network, the system can achieve the purpose of teaching. Finally, this research will Kunshan University, this system is open to the Department of Information and Communication Ministry of second-year university courses and the Linux operating system, server build technical education divisions of two courses used. In this research, only seven personal computers will be sufficient to supply a class while on-line, and when even after a period of time effective to maintain physical host load balancing.


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