  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship among the Involvement Degree, Flow Experience, and Leisure Satisfaction of Tai Chi Chuan Players

指導教授 : 鄧誠中 紀麗秋


太極拳為傳統健身運動,近年來頗受學術界重視,相關研究不斷出現,研究結果大多偏向其疾病控制之成效與強身健體的功能,本研究則將針對休閒運動領域進行探討。本研究目的在探討太極拳運動參與者涉入程度、心流體驗與休閒滿意度之關係。本研究採便利抽樣方式,以彰化縣市、雲林縣及嘉義縣市等地區之太極拳運動參與者為研究樣本,以描述性統計、探索性因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後比較、皮爾森積差相關與迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理。 研究發現太極拳運動參與者以51歲∼60歲、擁有大專/大學學歷、已婚、女性、月收入為20,000元(含)以下、居住於嘉義縣(市)、職業為家庭主婦、拳齡以超過3年~5年者居多。實證顯示不同年齡、教育程度與拳齡的太極拳運動參與者在涉入程度上有顯著差異,而不同拳齡的太極拳運動參與者則在心流體驗上有顯著差異。最後,涉入程度、心流體驗與休閒滿意度之間存在顯著正相關,而涉入程度與心流體驗亦對休閒滿意度呈現顯著之影響。


Tai Chi Chuan is a traditional body-building sport and has aroused the attention in academia in recent years. Many relevant studies have been published, and most of the research results are related to its efficacy on disease control and function of bodybuilding. This study investigated its effect on the field of leisure sport, with the aim to discuss the relationship among the involvement degree, flow experience, and leisure satisfaction of Tai Chi Chuan players. This study used convenience sampling to select the Tai Chi Chuan players in Changhua County/City, Yunlin County, and Chiayi County/City as the research subjects. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe's post hoc comparison, Pearson product-moment correlation, and regression analysis. This study found that the Tai Chi Chuan players are mainly at the age of 51~60, junior college/college graduates, married, and female. Most of their monthly income is $20,000 NTD and under, and they are mainly housewives with Tai Chi Chuan practice of 3~5 years. The empirical results showed that the difference in age and level of education has a significant effect on the involvement degree of Tai Chi Chuan players. In addition, the difference in the years of Tai Chi Chuan practice has a significant effect on players’ flow experience. This study also found that there is a positive correlation among involvement degree, flow experience, and leisure satisfaction, and both involvement degree and flow experience have significant effects on leisure satisfaction.


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