  • 學位論文


A Study on Visitor Center Indoor Environmental Comfort for Visitor in kouhu

指導教授 : 梁大慶


人們對於休閒品質的要求逐年升高,遊客中心對人們來說是一個瞭解旅遊景點資訊不可或缺的據點,而室內的熱舒適度不僅會影響到遊客的旅遊品質及健康,同時在空調耗能方面也是一大問題,尤其近年在氣候的快速變化下,地球暖化日益嚴重,且台灣地處亞熱帶氣候區,其高溫多雨潮濕的氣侯條件更會影響室內環境,加上公共建築在外殼材質的使用、形式設計上受國外影響而快速興建完成,使得建築物缺少室內環境舒適及節能的考量,因此本研究以熱濕氣候的台灣為研究對象,針對一棟還未開放的遊客中心進行研究,採用『數值模擬』及『現場實測』二種方法進行,室內環境是否適合遊客長時間停留於內及室內空調的用電情形,並探討如何改善室內環境的不舒適及減少空調的耗能,以便瞭解遊客在館內的休憩及降低多餘的能耗。 研究結果顯示,不同建築外殼材料,因熱阻及導熱係數的不同,加上日照的方向及時間長短,都會影響熱傳遞到室內的狀況,使的室內的溫度產生變化,而影響到室內環境舒適度。室內模擬輻射溫度範圍在21~29℃,熱舒適指標(PMV)平均值為2.71PMV,不舒適指標(PPD)更高達93.09%,遊客中心室內的環境舒適性會影響到遊客的休憩行為,悶熱環境確實存在於此空間內。此外因空間設計上的不同,方位的不同、空間使用型態的不同皆會影響到室內環境的舒適度。在冷氣能耗的部分,設置館內冷氣開放時間早上10點至下午4點、溫度20~28℃的情形時,一整年的冷氣使用耗能量可比理想溫度20~26℃的情況降低30%的電費。最後,根據本研究之研究結果提出建議。


For People, the casual quality requirement has increased year by year, and the visitor center is a necessary place which to understand information of travel. The indoor thermal comfort will not only affect the quality of tourism and health, but also be a main question about energy consumption of air conditioning. Particularly as the climate has rapidly changed in recent years, and the serious global warming has become more and more serious. Taiwan is located in subtropical climate zones. Its hot, rainy and humid weather may affect the indoor environment. In addition, the shell material and design of public constructions are influenced by overseas, and rapid accomplishment of constructions result in lack of energy-saving and comfortable interior environment. Therefore, this research is the study of hot and wet climate as the research condition. Take A tourist center which is not yet open for research, adopted the 『simulation』and『field-test』two kinds of ways to know if the interior environment is suitable for a long stay for customer and the air conditioning’s electricity situation. By doing that, we can explore how to improve the comfort of interior environment and how to reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning, and understand the rest of customers ,and reduce unnecessary power consumption. The research shows that the shell materials which have different coefficient of thermal resistance and thermal conductivity and the direction of sunshine and duration will affect the situation which heat transfers to the room, and changes the interior temperature, and affect the indoor environmental comfort. The indoor results show that the indoor radiant temperature 21~29℃, Predicted Mean Vote average 2.71PMV, Predicted of Percentage Dissatisfied as much as 93.09%. The visitor center interior environment will influence the leisure behavior of customers. The hot environment really exists. Otherwise, due to the different spatial design, different orientation, different shell material and space using different forms will affect the comfort of interior environment. In the part of energy consumption of air conditioning, Setting the indoor air-condition works from 10 am to 4 pm, and remain the temperature at 20 ~ 28 ℃,and an entire year the consumption of air condition can reduce 30% compared to setting the temperature 20~26℃. Finally, please give any advice according to the result of this research.


王建楠、吳重達(2004),室內環境品質之健康效應,基層醫學,19(12), pp.296∼303
