  • 學位論文


Applying BIM database to the development of Power and EUI calculation tools

指導教授 : 黃世昌


用電分析的相關研究中,常常需要蒐集大量的設施資料,分類計算相當的花費時間。另一方面,若使用eQUEST評估,其建模難度高,且輸入的資訊需要經過處理,介面較複雜。 BIM與eQUEST或其他耗能模擬軟體的協作(collaboration),解決了以往建模的問題,但是這些模擬軟體,在使用以及設定上依舊相當困難,而且與BIM協作的步驟仍有一定程度的門檻。 本研究嘗試不考慮耗能模擬軟體的使用,而是參考設施管理的資料庫模式,在Revit中建模並設定用電參數給設備模型,後導出至ODBC資料庫,再運用C#與SQL語言設計程式來計算可能需要的用電資料(例如:EUI)。此種方法與其導出之結果,跟傳統EXCEL表格計算的方式較為接近,門檻相對來說較低。 本研究過程中,深入了解使用SQL語言的各項技巧,並將這些技巧應用在房間類型的用電統計中。由於SQL語言相較於C#語言有更易於學習的特點,相信能成為後續進行BIM節能相關研究可選擇的方式。


In the related research of power analysis, we often need to spend much time to collect several facility data and do the calculation. On the other hand, if using eQUEST to simulate, it takes more challenges to do the modeling and process input information required with a complex interface. The collaboration of BIM with eQUEST or other energy simulation software has solved the problem of modeling. However, the use and setting of these simulations are quite hard, and there is still a certain degree of threshold for the collaboration of BIM and energy simulation software. This research tries not to consider the use of energy consuming simulation software, but the database mode of Facility Management (FM). The building model is made and power parameters are created and configured to the device in the Revit. After exporting to the ODBC, the C# and SQL language are used to do program development to calculate the power data (ex:EUI) required. The outcomes of this method are close to the EXCEL table calculation mode, and the barrier is also low. In the course of this study, the skill of the SQL language is further utilized and applied in the Room category statistics. Since SQL language is easier to learn than C# language, it is believed that it can become one way that can be chosen for the BIM energy saving research.


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