  • 學位論文


Relationship Study of Innovativeness, Product Advantage and Customer Familiar to New Product Development Performance

指導教授 : 林明杰


科技蓬勃發展,環境快速變遷,企業莫不投入創新以爭取優勢地位,管理大師彼得杜拉克更呼籲「不創新便滅亡」的概念。但是高度創新是否真的能夠有效提升績效,於過去研究中卻呈現眾說紛紜的情況。故本研究主在驗證創新程度、產品優勢、顧客對產品熟悉度以及新產品開發績效間之關係,並且針對產品優勢與顧客對產品熟悉度之中介效果,探討創新程度對新產品開發績效的影響。 本研究以中華徵信所「2006年大型企業排名TOP5000排名」中之製造業為研究對象,進行問卷調查,總共寄發出600份問卷,實際有效問卷137份,有效份數回收率為22.83%。為充分反映各變數之因果關係,本研究採用結構方程模式(SEM)進行分析。 實證分析結果如下; 1.產品優勢與顧客對產品熟悉度皆對新產品開發績效有正向之影響,且創新程度對產品優勢有正向影響,但是創新程度與顧客對產品熟悉度之間卻呈現負向的關係。 2.創新程度藉由產品優勢與顧客對產品熟悉度之中介效果影響新產品開發績效。 3.創新程度對產品優勢之影響與創新程度對顧客對產品熟悉度之影響存在顯著差異。


Does product innovativeness affect new product development performance? The current research displays that the difference in results. This article illustrates the relationship among innovativeness, product advantage, and customer familiarity, and new product development performance. The research subject consists of 600 Taiwanese Manufacturing Industry. The research was conducted using the survey techniques of both online questionnaires and E-mail questionnaires. 137 valid questionnaires were received, implying a 22.83% recovery rate. A structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to test the relationships among innovativeness, product advantage, and customer familiarity, and new product development performance. The main results of this thesis are discovered: 1. Product advantage and customer familiarity have positive effect on new product development performance. The effects from Innovativeness to product advantage and customer familiarity were positive and negative. 2. Product advantage and customer familiarity are the medium between innovativeness and new product development performance. 3. The effect form innovativeness to product advantage was different to the effect form innovativeness to customer familiarity.


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