  • 學位論文


The organic farm straight camp organic store consumer behaviour research

指導教授 : 謝浩明


以有機消費者之消費行為探討,是因隨著經濟發展、所得提升,國民對食品安全、健康生活的關注與要求日趨殷切,使得國內有機商機方興未艾,同時,也引起有機農場、大型財團、社群及一般有機商店等,各式通路競相加入有機通路之競逐。有機農場直營有機商店,為目前有機通路中少數兼具生產與通路兩種類型者,是否能因此特性,相較於多樣性資源的財團,或會員基礎堅實的社群型有機商店,更具競爭利基與優勢,為本研究以「有機農場直營有機商店對有機消費者之消費行為探討」為主題之目的。 本研究主要係針對,實際具有有機商店消費經驗之有機消費者為對象,以網路問卷調查之方式,運用Statistica 統計軟體進行因素分析、變異數分析、相關分析、典型相關與Lisrel線性關係模式等分析方法,先行探討有機消費者之消費意願對有機法規與有機標章的認知程度,以及對有機商品的認知、有機商店被信任的呈現方式、消費者信任之形成與知覺風險等,各變項間彼此的相關程度與檢定結果。最後,更就有機農場直營有機商店,與財團直營、一般有機與社群型有機商店,在專業能力、消費互動與潛在通路的經營上,於現今有機消費者之認知做一探討。 根據研究結果顯示,有機消費者的購買行為以受消費信任的影響最顯著,而其信任來源主要源自於消費者,其自身對有機資訊的蒐集能力,同時,亦因此資訊蒐集能力,進而影響其知覺風險、有機認知與商品類別及其信任呈現等變項。此與Howard/CDM(Consumer Decision Model)的資訊變數刺激所導致之知覺學說不謀而合。 最後,在消費者對有機農場直營有機商店,與其他通路的專業認知、通路選擇,與良好消費互動的預期比較中,有機農場直營有機商店,分別以54.58%、39.30%及31.44%,高於排名第二的財團直營有機商店的27.51%、28.38%與21.83%甚多,合於本研究所欲探討之有機農場直營有機商店之商譽利基及假設。


The organic industry is booming, because of increased economical development, people’s income, people becoming aware of food safety, and people wanting a healthy lifestyle. More and more people are converting to eating with an organic lifestyle, and the business shows much promise for years to come. That’s why organic farm, syndicate, cluster groups and the general organic stores are joining the organic circuit, enlarging the industry. The Organic farm straight camp organic store are few of both producer and marketing channel in the organic market among others, can it depends the character to take any niche and advantage with Syndicate or Cluster type organic store, that will be a research point. This research mainly aims at the selected group, people who already shopped at those kinds of stores. I used the network questionnaire survey, Statistica. The analysis program uses factor analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis, and canonical correlation and Lisrel (Linear Structure Relation ) patterns. Probe into consumer buying action versus organic cognizance, process-based trust and perceived risk etc., Finally, research which type of organic store are more professional and interaction with organic consumer. The results that organic consumer behaviour are affected in consumer trust first, and the trust are come from consumers organic information collection ability. The ability affects consumer perceived risk, organic cognizance, goods classification and process-based trust etc., along with another one done with the Howard/CDM (Consumer Decision Model), a information variable stimulation, cause perception theory to agree, without prior consultation, and happen to hold the same view in the results they provided. Finally, in the consumers of organic farm straight camp organic store, with other circuit specialized cognition, the circuit choice, with in the good expense interaction anticipated comparison, the organic farm straight camp organic store, respectively by 54.58%, 39.30% and 31.44%, is higher than is listed the second, the syndicate organic store 27.51%, 28.38% and 21.83% very many, is in harmony with this research institute to want the discussion goodwill of advantage base and the supposition the organic farm straight camp organic store.


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