  • 學位論文

ERP 與 BPR 導入之績效評估

A Performance Evaluation of an Enterprise Resource Planning & Business Process Reengineering Implementation

指導教授 : 范錚強


自從 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 於90 年代由Gartner Group提出之後,便在企業界引起一陣旋風,許多國際大企業都紛紛導入ERP 系統。美國財星500大企業大多數已導入或正在導入中。有不少企業也因此而獲得更高的效益,甚至也因此造就了有如SAP、Oracle… 等ERP 系統提供廠商的龐大獲利空間。當旋風漸漸吹到台灣之後,由於高科技產業重視產能及效率的提升,另外又加上受到國外廠商要求使用的壓力,所以台灣不少高科技產業率先加入使用ERP 系統的行列,希望藉由ERP 的導入提升企業的競爭力。 許多ERP的案例中,企業透過ERP 系統蘊含的現代管理知識來進行重要的流程變更,並且透過所謂的最佳典範 (Best Practice),吸收一流企業的最佳實務,產生流程改造 BPR (Business Process Reengineering) 的需求,使ERP與BPR的結合成為企業流程改造中,一項最不可或缺有力的工具。簡言之,BPR才是ERP導入成功與否的重要關鍵。 本研究的個案公司再導入ERP的過程中,忽略必要的流程改變。 使得整個ERP的導入沒有任何效益。 在高層主管的認知下,終於瞭解ERP伴隨著BPR的重要性。本專案企圖進行效益分析比較EPR導入後與BPR導入後之企業流程;最後,將個案研究所得,望能給予國內其他產業作為未來導入ERP 系統對企業流程再造影響之參考。


Since the term ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) was coined by the Granter Group in 90''s, it soon became a hot topic. Many international enterprises jumped on the band wagon and implemented ERP. Most Fortune 500 companies in United States have implemented, or in the process of implementing ERP. As a result, ERP solution provider like SAP and Oracle all profited during the surge. After the concept was introduced to Taiwan, many High Tech Enterprises introduced ERP, either coerced by their international customers, or attempted to enhance their competitiveness through improving operational effectiveness. In many cases, companies that adopted ERP has to make substaintial changes to their process, by exploiting the capabilities of modern information technology, and by introducing “best practice” learnt from other organizations. A large portion of benefits from ERP implementation came from BPR (Business Process Reengineering). The target of this study ignored the necessary changes during its ERP implementation. No benefit was gained. Subsequently, it launched a BPR project since the top management realized its importance. This study attempts to evaluate the performance of the ERP/BPR project through an exploratory case study. Managerial implications are presented.


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