  • 學位論文


Opitimal assignment of dredging mechanines for mechanical excavation

指導教授 : 顏上堯


台灣地區受地勢陡峭及季節性雨量豐枯不均的影響,造成水資源蓄積不易,加上環保意識的提升而阻礙水庫興建、全球氣候變遷、水庫集水區之人為開發破壞日益嚴重及地質條件惡化等影響,造成可直接引用之水源日益減少,故如何達成水庫永續經營之目標,為當局目前之首要工作。然對於水庫清淤作業之執行,目前國軍部隊仍以個人實務經驗進行機具指派,缺乏科學的方法實施系統性之分析,常導致不佳的決策。 緣此,本研究針對台灣地區水庫相關之陸面機械清淤問題,利用數學規劃方法,在已知的假設及限制條件下,建立一整數規劃模式及一啟發解法以求解模式。為測試模式之實用性,本研究參考國軍之一疏濬工程資料,進行一範例分析,並比較本研究模式與人工經驗指派的差異,測試結果顯示本研究模式與演算法的效果甚佳,可為決策者在清淤作業上指派機具之參考。


Due to the steep terrain and unbalanced seasonal rainfall, it is hard to store the water resources. Furthermore, the interrupted buildup of reservoir caused by the enhanced environmental consciousness, the global climate changes, the increasingly damaged watershed by human development and the geology aggravation, all above influences will decrease using water. Therefore, it is our priority to achieve the sustainable use goal of reservoir. However, as to the desilting assignment, the national troops mechanical assignment still against the practical experience but not the scientific technique to analysis, so that usually cause poor decision. Thus, this research uses the mechanical excavatio as research scope in this paper, and through the Integer linear programming technique and well-know assumption and constraint to delevelop an optimization model and heuristic algorithms to solve the problem. Besides, to verify the suitability to this mode, the national troops takes Shihmen Reservoir dredging project as an example, to compare the mode and manpower assignments. The tested result shows that research’s model is better. It can be used in desilting assignment for dredging and acts as the reference in desilting machineries assignment.


[27]鄭志強、 蔡麗敏、 徐作聖、 曾國雄(2004),「模糊啟發式演算法則應用於低放射性廢棄物運送路線選擇之研究」,中華管理學報, 第五卷第一期, 第41-56 頁 。
