  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃同圳


從電腦軟硬體的演進史來看,自2001年微軟公司的Windows XP 正式上市以來,軟硬體研發的人數與公司數量如前仆後繼的不斷湧入,也造就了市場上產品的多樣性與多選擇性。如此,人力大量加入,產品大量生產,產品短期上市,產品短期淘汰,產品的生命期極短,門市銷售投入更多,此乃紅海戰場的開始,要像以前賣1台電腦賺1台的機會不復存在。對於個案公司而言,與其在紅海裡用價格的廝殺,不如好好分析思考,電腦普及化越高,其維修的需求越高;是個人、企業、機關團體、教育機構都有此需求,何者依賴程度較高?答案是企業。再從企業分類,連鎖加盟業的依賴性最高,成長也最快,所以鎖定目標後努力進行。本研究探討其組織變革方式、過程,並以個案變革所面臨的問題,探究組織變革關鍵因素。 本研究的基本目的如下: 1.電腦門市或電腦業應負的稅捐、費用、成本說明,也是變革中的前因。 2.電腦買賣與維修服務未來與內容的差異點? 3.出勤維修服務業的管理(事件、人力、車輛 、備品、調度)制度的建立與修正。 4.人力派遣駐點與出勤服務的組合管理。   本研究首先了解門市經營的困境,再分析維修服務業的市場發展現況和未來發展趨勢,其次運用SWOT分析工具,來分析個案公司所面臨的內、外在競爭環境,及其所採取的組織變革方式,再利用組織結構設計,架構一個規模更大的公司,才能有效正常運作。本研究採質性研究,首先進行次及資料之搜集,並與個案公司高層進行訪談,作為本研究之方法。   本研究綜合文獻探討和個案研究得到下列結論,組織變革成功關鍵因素有:(一)環境:了解經營困境,唯有改變,前進藍海;(二)組織:長大擴大,需要合宜的組織架構,才能持久;(三)人才:人才引進,在短時間,需挖掘各地區人才;(四)管理:與眾不同的動態管理機制;(五)維修:團隊精神在出勤維修,發揮淋漓盡致;(六)變革:持續改善,不斷思考人性化的管理機制;(七)財務:健全與可計劃性的財務支援。 本研究並提出組織變革過程應注意事項如下:(一)人力問題(流動率、招募、訓練、福利、安全、升遷);(二)調度問題(車輛、人力、備品、 駐點、事件);(三)維修問題(品質、完修效率、到場時效、服務態度 )。並對個案公司後續發展的建議:(一)策略合作夥伴關係的深化及客戶多元化;(二)爲下一階段變革方向做好準備;(三) 調度主管應建立起代理人制度。再對其他公司欲推動組織變革的建議:(一)研究產業概況,分析企業本身優劣勢,採取適當事業策略;(二)服務變革主要關鍵在專業及技術能力;(三)確保合約到手,穩定財務結構,贏得客戶信任。


From the history of the evolution of computer hardware and software point of view, since 2001, Microsoft Windows XP officially listed, the number of the number of hardware and software development with companies such as continuous influx fought, but also created a diversity of products on the market and multi-selectivity. So, a lot of manpower to join the mass production of the product, the product of short-term market, short-term elimination of the product, the product's life cycle is very short, put more store sales, which began to battle the Red Sea, to sell a computer as before earning an opportunity no longer exists . For the case company, its price in the Red Sea with the fight, as a good analytical thinking, the popularization of computers, the higher its maintenance needs; are individuals, businesses, organizations, educational institutions have this requirement, whichever is dependent higher degree? answer is business. Then from the corporate segment, the highest dependence franchising industry, is also the fastest growing, so efforts to target the lock. This study investigated changes in the way their organization, processes, and issues facing the cases change, explore the key factors of organizational change. The basic purpose of this study were as follows: 1.Computer store or computer industry should bear the taxes, fees, costs explanation, but also change the antecedents. 2.Dealing with computer repair services in the future and content point of difference? 3.Attendance maintenance management services (event, manpower, vehicles, spare parts, scheduling) to establish and fix the system. 4.Staffing Portfolio Management stagnation and attendance services. In this study, to understand the plight of store operations, and then analyzes the current development of the maintenance services market and future trends, followed by SWOT analysis tools to analyze the cases faced by the company, the external competitive environment,and organizational changes have taken way, re-use organizational design, architecture, a larger company, in order to effectively operate properly. This study used a qualitative research, the first to collect views and information, and interviews with company executives the case, as a method of this study. In this study, a comprehensive literature review and case study are the following conclusions, organizational change critical success factors are: (a) Environment: Understanding financial difficulties, the only change, advancing blue ocean; (b) Organization: grow expand,appropriate organizational structure needed to persistence; (c) talent: talent introduction, in short, need to tap regional talent; (d) management: the distinctive dynamic management mechanism; (e) maintenance: maintenance team in attendance, play vividly; (f) change: continuous improvement, constantly thinking humane management mechanism; (g) Finance: sound and can be planned financial support. The study proposed organizational change process should note the following: (a) human problems (turnover, recruitment, training, welfare, safety, promotion); (b) scheduling problem (vehicles, manpower, spare parts, stagnation, event); (c) the maintenance problems (quality, complete repair efficiency, timeliness scene, attitude). And the subsequent development of the case company recommended: (a) deepening the strategic partnership and customer diversification; (b) to prepare for the next stage of change; (c) scheduling the agent in charge of the system should be established. And then the other company wants to promote organizational change proposal: (a) research industry overview, analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise itself and take appropriate business strategy; (b) changes in the key services in the professional and technical capacity; (c) ensure that contracts hand, stable financial structure, to win customer trust.


Levy, A., & Merry, U.,(1986). Organizational Transformation. Praeger.
Andrews, K.R.(1971). “The concept of corporate strategy “ , Homewood,Illinois.


