  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄭漢鐔


1980年代大型企業業務擴張,全球化進程加快,電子、電腦產品、消費類電子產品的需求急遽上升,因持續擴張產能存在著一定風險,所以OEM公司除了在本土以外,都在計畫海外建立其他工廠,已利備援。但隨著電子產品生命週期的縮短,大量投資對OEM來說也非明智之舉,訂單外對降低風險來說或許是更好的選擇,由於這樣的企業分工需要,EMS自然而然就誕生了。 個案公司在中國蘇州歷經長期虧損,正思考如何改變商業模式及管理策略,以脫離競爭激烈的紅海市場。本研究主要目的有二:首先,本研究將探討中國在歷經多次經濟轉型後,中國EMS產業所面對的改變與挑戰有哪些? 其次探討個案公司在中國經濟環境的劇烈變化下,該如何擬定策略方向,改善經營績效? 本研究運用8十國家模式的架構找EMS產業所面臨來自於外部環境的挑戰。並依據8十商業模式及8十獲利模式來分析個案公司目前經營績效不甚理想的原因,最後分析 加強價值創新與改變產品組合等方式變更商業模式,重新預估可能的產生的8十獲利模式。 本研究主要結論如下: 1. 依據外部環境分析與8十商業模式分析,個案公司正面臨一內外交迫的局面(事實上也是中國EMS產業的共同情況),一方面苦於無法持續研發創新,提高代工毛利並帶來利潤;一方面窮於應付日益升高的代工市場競爭與經營成本的不斷墊高,致使EBIT、ROIC為負值,故個案公司亟待就8十商業模式分析所歸納的問題進行必要變革。 2. 依據8十商業模式分析,個案公司可以考量改善以下四個關鍵要素,市場定位與價值關係、價值創新與忠心謀略、資源投入與團隊合一、產品組合與顧客服務,來提升經營績效。並經財務假設試算結果,將可擴大營業額、提升毛利率,將長期無法持續獲利的狀況,轉虧為盈扭轉局勢。


EMS Turnkey Consignment Performance 8十商業模式


In 1980’s large enterprise businesses are outspread; the process of globalization is speed up, the ascent of electronic, computer products or demand of consumers’ electronic merchandises are raising rapidly. Therefore, OEM has prepared not only found factories in China also overseas. With through the period of electronics goods are shorted, large amounts of investments is not wise to OEM. Maybe to reduce risks is better choosing than perches order. In need of EMS is naturally due to this kind of enterprise’ require of cooperating. The target has long-term deficit in Suzhou, are thinking about how to change the business model and management strategy to divorce fierce completion in RED OCEANS market. The main purpose of this research has to two: Firstly, this study will investigate that “the Chinese after many times of economic transformation, what kind of the changes and challenges of the EMS industry faces in to in China? “ Secondly, discusses drastic changes in Chinese economic environment for the target “how to make strategic direction, to improve the operating performance?” This research uses 8  national model for EMS industries face challenges from the external environment, and basis on the 8 cross business model and 8  profit model to analyze the reason of the target currently operating performance is not ideal, the final to analyze to reinforce the value innovation and change in diversification of products, changes the business model, to re-estimate the probable pattern of 8 cross profit model. The results of this research are as following: 1. According to the external environment analysis and 8  business model, the target is stocked in the situation of internal and external. (Basically, a common situation EMS industry in China), One is suffering from unsustainable developing innovation, enhance profits of foundry ;the other is market competition is overwhelmed and operating costs is keeping going up ,lead to EBIT, ROIC is negative, the necessary changes to the target is to analyze 8 cross business model for solving those problems. 2. On the basis of the 8  business model, the target can consider to improve the following four main elements, market positioning and value relationship, value innovation and loyalty strategy, resources inputs and team work, product assortments and customer service, to elevate business performance. And through by the results of financial hypothesis spreadsheet, if expand turnover, to promote Gross profit margin, will be able to turn out of deficit to profit from long-term continuous non-profit.


EMS Turnkey Consignment Performance 8  business model


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