  • 學位論文


Philosophical Hermeneutic Analysis of Russian Medieval Texts

指導教授 : 陸敬忠


本文之研究對象為中世紀俄國(基輔羅斯)之文獻:史書(編年史,譬如《往年紀事》(Povest’ vremennykh let))及文學、哲學作品(聚焦於《律法與神恩》(《法與神賜說》,(Slovo o zakone i blagodati))。最近於俄羅斯歷史學之中世紀研究逐漸趨向詮釋學。現代歷史學面臨之關鍵問題為如何解釋中世紀作者創造文獻之動機和規則。由於舊型研究方法(如經典之考據學)已無法滿足當代歷史學家之需求,因而最近一些學者提出新型(接近詮釋學)研究角度,如所謂之文本際方法與「末世論思想」。問題在於,這些研究思路也有其缺點與限制,因此筆者在本文中建議另外一個研究思路,即嘗試應用哲學詮釋學的角度來探討俄國中世紀之文獻。因而筆者首先須探討哲學詮釋思路之內容並嘗試對一些詮釋學之概念(「時間性」、「遊戲」、「辯證」等等)提出新的見解,。其次,本文分析舊型研究進路為何依舊無法完整地整理中世紀作者之思想;最終,為了進行進一步之研究,筆者顯示哲學詮釋學之思路如何有助於更瞭解古代作者之思想並解決俄國中世紀研究基本問題(譬如,作者嘗試用海徳格之「詞語」此一概念了解古俄之「聖言」,用高達美之「遊戲」和「辯證」概念解釋編年史的結構)。筆者希望,此研究在歷史學展開新的一頁並有助於哲學詮釋學與歷史學之全新發展。


This research examines the medieval chronicles of Kievan Rus’(such as Primary Chronicle (“Tale of bygone Years”)) as well as medieval Russian literature and philosophical works (mainly focusing on “Sermon on Law and Grace” by Hilarion). Recently the studies on medieval texts tend to turn to hermeneutical approach. The old scientific methods (for instance, the classic textology) already can’t satisfy the expectations of the modern historians, that’s why some of them move from the comparative analysis of texts to the problem of how to interpret the purposes and motives of the medieval author and suggested some new approaches (for example, intertextual studies or eschatological perspective). The problem is that these methods also have their disadvantages and limitations. The author suggests in this dissertation a new approach: study the medieval texts using the philosophical hermeneutics. Firstly, the research analyzes the history of hermeneutics and tries to give a new insight into some hermeneutical terms (such as the concepts of “historism”, “game”, Gadamer’s dialectic and so on), secondly, the research examines the main methods of modern medieval Russian studies and explains why do they fail to reconstruct the thought of the medieval author. Thirdly, the research explains how the concepts of philosophical hermeneutics help to understand better the purposes and mentality of the medieval people. For instance, the author compares the Heideggerian perception of “word” and Russian medieval idea of “sermon”, uses Gadamer’s concepts of “game”(“Spiel”) and dialectic to explain the purposes of the medieval author and the mechanism of creation of chronicles. The researcher hopes that this dissertation will open a new page in the medieval studies and help the development of hermeneutics.


杜欣欣,2011,〈探索翻譯理論:書評〉,《編譯論叢》,台北,2011 年 3 月第4卷第1期,頁195-203。
