  • 學位論文


Sòng Zhéyuán

指導教授 : 吳振漢


宋哲元是民國史的一個重要歷史人物。「蘆溝橋事件」發生前,宋哲元擔任陸軍第二十九軍軍長、平津衛戍司令、冀察政務委員會委員長、冀察綏靖公署主任,掌握河北省、察哈跠省、北平市、天津市,是中國在華北政軍權力最大的地方實力派。實從1931 年後宋哲元就一直未離開華北地區,自「九一八事件」至「蘆溝橋事件」,日本在華北所有的政策與作為,宋哲元皆參與其中,其對相關事件的態度與處理,實是30 年代民國史研究中,中日、國民政府與地方實力派等相關問題,一個重要的歷史人物。 綜上所述,本文首先以宋哲元的軍旅閱歷和發展,作為起點,探討不同時期的宋哲元如何發展軍事實力。進一步討論,宋哲元短暫的主政熱河、陜西省的經驗及宋哲元成為抗日英雄的原因。1933 年5 月31 日,中日兩國簽訂〈塘沽協定〉,長城戰爭結束,察哈跠省遂成前線省。此時的宋哲元在日本壓力與國府制約下,以軍主政察哈跠省,但宋對察省治理在民政、財政、建設、教育、文化各方面多有建樹,宋主察省當得肯定。惟1935 年6 月,宋哲元因「察北事件」被免去察省主席。面對如此重大改變,宋哲元如何從一個被免職的察省主席,但到了1935年年底,卻成為獨攬冀、察、平、津二省二市的軍政大權的顯赫人物,期間過程,是值得關注的焦點。而宋哲元主政冀、察近兩年,在其一貫的「提倡廉潔、安定民心、發展經濟、八德救國」等施政作為與理念下,確實為中國華北局勢穩定有所貢獻。


This paper discusses the achievements of Sòng Zhéyuán who is also the significant person in Chinese history. Before the Battle of Marco Polo bridge incident,Sòng Zhéyuán, who commanded Hebei、Chahar、Beiping、Tianjin,was assigned as a general of 29th army, a commander of Beiping and Tianjin, a chief of committee of Hebei and Chahar、as well as a director of military organization of Hebei and Chahar. More precisely, Sòng Zhéyuán possessed the most powerful authority in northern army of china. In addition, since the The Mukden Incident and the Marco Polo bridge incident, Sòng Zhéyuán has never left northern of china since 1931. Moreover, he participates in dealing with any of policies and accomplishments which has been conducted by Japan. As a result of this, Sòng Zhéyuán has become a critical person among the 30th year of the “Republic Era” in the area of study history of Republic, Chinese, Chinese via Japan, the government and the local parties. To sum up, the first part of this paper starts with the military career and the development of Sòng Zhéyuán. To discuss how Sòng Zhéyuán developed his military power ind different periods; furthemore, the reasons why Sòng Zhéyuán would be the hero to fight Japan and the experience of being a master in Rehe and Shaanxi province. On May 31 , 1933, both of China and Japan signed a Tanggu Truce and ended the war of Great Wall so that Chahar province would be the front province. At the same time, Sòng Zhéyuán not only contrubuted his great effort on many aspects such as polity, finance, construction, education and culture etc, but he also envolved in managing Chahar provinceas as armyman in power, even though he suffered from the enormouse pressure of Japan and the restriction of the government. However, in Jun 1935, Sòng Zhéyuán was forced to resign his commission because of Chabei event. At the end of 1935, Sòng Zhéyuán has become a renowned person in the fileds of military and polity who also mastered both two provinces like Hebei and Chahar as well as two cities Beiping and Tianjin. Moreover, the time during the significant change of his career, the process is worthwile to be paied attention to concern. In addition, during the two years of Sòng Zhéyuán mastering in Hebei and Chahar, the contribution of his policies such as advocating probity, placating the feelings of the citizenry, deveploping economy and innovating China with tranditional morality indeed stabilized the circumstance of northern of china.



