  • 學位論文


A study on stickiness of B2C website- an empirical study of “books.com.tw”

指導教授 : 陳炫碩


現今電子商務蓬勃發展,網路上商家林立,競爭激烈,消費者的選擇可以更多,造成使用者易從這網站轉換到其他網站上,因此網站有能力來留住使用者,讓使用者長期關注與重複拜訪這個網站,而達到長期黏著在這個網站上是非常重要的,因此網站黏著度已被電子商務視為成功的的一個重要因素。 本研究是探討網路使用者透過投入程度、滿意度、網站投機行為、信任、承諾對博客來網路書店產生黏著度的意圖,以中央大學在校學生為研究對象,採用便利抽樣的方式進行,總計回收243份有效 問卷,在統計方法上則採用結構方程模式進行檢定與分析。 經由實證分析後,得出主要的研究成果為:(1)網路使用者「投入程度」會正向影響其對網站的「承諾」(2)網路使用者的「滿意度」會正向影響其對網站的「承諾」(3)網路使用者的「滿意度」會正向影響其對網站的「信任」(4)網站「投機行為」會負向影響其對網路使用者的「信任」(5)網路使用者的「承諾」會正向影響其對網站「黏著度意圖」(6)網路使用者的「信任」會正向影響其對網站「黏著度意圖」。


Nowadays e-Commerce is exuberant and becoming mature than ever. The competition of supplying goods and service becomes more and more fierce. Consumers have a variety of choices, and Internet makes user relatively easy to switch from one Website to another website. A website’s ability retained a customer. The longer a website can hold a customer''s attention, and the more repeat hits the website receives from that customer, the stickier the website is. Therefore, the website stickiness becomes an important factor of successful e-commerce. The main purpose of this study is to examine factors of investment size, satisfaction, opportunistic behavior, and commitment-trust influence the stickiness intention in on-line “books.com.tw”. Samples were selected from the students of National Central University. With convenient sampling method, 243 effective questionnaires were collected, consisting 97.2% effective returning rate. Structural Equation Model''s technique is used to test the research hypotheses. According to the results of statistic analyze, the conclusion are listed briefly as follows:(1) Investment size is positively associated with commitment; (2) Satisfaction is positively associated with commitment; (3) Satisfaction is positively associated with trust; (4) Opportunistic behavior is negatively associated with trust; (5) Commitment with a Web site is positively associated with stickiness intention; (6) Trust in a Web site is positively associated with stickiness intention.


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