  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳振明


IT (Information technology) 是一個定義廣泛的產業,過去傳統狹義地包含電腦硬體及軟體與半導體等電子零組件,近來發展早已擴大結合服務與網路通訊產業(如雲端技術),產品服務與多元化才是未來企業成功的關鍵,故如何透過有效的供應鏈運作並快速回應市場需求為最重要的課題。   以Display產業為例,國際前五大品牌掌握市場而屹立不搖在於具有強大的供應鏈支援,品牌銷售與代工生產的角色分工日趨於明顯;舉例國際品牌SONY將位於歐洲的TV模組廠出售予台灣最大系統代工廠鴻海,相對地,鴻海為擴充TV的面板產能而併購了奇美;身為國際大廠的代工廠,為承諾客戶品質、交貨速度與價格競爭力,產業併購或建立策略供應商夥伴是為目前的趨勢。   然而,產業併購仍有值得詬病之處,位於供應鏈中下階層的系統大廠往往希望在接受訂單後,能迅速生產交貨並減低生產成本,故併購有競爭能力的原料廠,但所面臨的最大問題是,一旦下游國際客戶的預測數量不準確或一再修改甚至誇張膨脹等,即易產生大筆的原物料庫存成本,再者因預測數量的改變造成生產排程一再修正而無法正常反應市場需求,其管理損失更是無法估計。   本研究採用探討性研究方法,針對此併購個案探討其庫存管理實施之困難與VMI趨勢,再經過收集公開資料、產業經驗以及訪談紀錄來整理出問題發生之原因。最後,本研究透過賽局理論以及同業策略聯盟之合作模式以歸納出,能具備有效產銷與存貨機制在於上游供應商與下游客戶的互相信任,供應商如何將需求化被動為主動並積極參與終端市場銷售預測及產品開發,藉此雙方取得共識以創造企業整體之雙贏。


VMI 賽局理論 產業併購 策略聯盟


IT (Information technology) is a broadly industry today. In past, it was traditional defined in computer hard-drive, semiconductor and electronic field; currently, there was been developing to internet and communication service (ex. Cloud computing). Therefore, the most important we learned are how to make the effective supply chain to quick response market and end user''s demand.   As in Display industry, there are five international brands to seize world-wide market, but they are gradually to separating ODM /OEM to executive the effective supply chain. For instance, Sony sold their Europe TV module to the world-wide ODM manufacturing FOXCONN; in the same time, FOXCONN merged CMO to expand TFT-LCD capacity for up-stream enhancement. Hence, enterprise''s mergers and strategic alliance are becoming the IT industry mainstream.   However, international brand forecasting behavior is characterized by frequency and volatility. The suppliers only can adjust the manufacturing schedule or keep the stock to meet the change of demand forecast. It has caused the stock higher and higher, procedure cost and management expense. In this study, we based on the enterprise''s mergers to realize VMI and stock management executive difficulty, after collecting republic information, work experience and case study to analyze the key reason for applying well VMI management. Moreover, we used the pay-off matrix and strategy alliance to investigate our generation.   Finally, we suggest the IT suppliers to improve the partner-ship by mutual trust and cooperate from non-cooperate, which is the improving way to prevent getting high risk and stock, then toward to win-win business and prospection for long term relationship.


11.賴誼靜,「供應商管理存貨(VMI)機制下產銷協同關係之研究」,國立中央大學 工業管理研究所碩士論文,2007年。
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