  • 學位論文


Analysis and Application of Safety Culture Models

指導教授 : 于樹偉


由於車諾比核災事故的嚴重性,INSAG於車諾比核災事故的摘要報告會議上提出「安全文化」一詞,並於IAEA出版的刊物詳細定義及解釋安全文化之內涵,安全文化在國際間迅速傳播。 安全文化為組織文化一部份,事業單位建立良好的安全文化不僅可以有效的降低職災率,亦能提升事業單位的形象。然而,我國事業單位對於安全的重視程度仍不及歐、美、日等先進國家,安全文化的概念也處於剛形成的階段,如何提升事業單位的安全文化為當前重要的課題。 鑑於國內尚未有建立安全文化的明確架構及建立機制,因此本研究參考國內、外安全文化相關文獻,彙整影響安全文化的因素,並以ISO 31000風險管理運作機制中,所特別強調的基礎要求的概念及PDCA循環式原則為建置架構,擬定安全文化建立機制,包括安全文化指導原則、安全文化建置架構及安全文化建置程序三部分,安全文化指導原則提供事業單位建立安全文化應遵循的事項,安全文化建置架構則說明建立安全文化時應具備的基礎,最後於安全文化建置程序提出安全文化創造模式,分為四個階段,包括安全文化基礎建立階段、安全文化發展階段、安全文化核心價值創造階段和主動積極的安全文化,以階段式的概念協助事業單位建立主動積極的安全文化。期盼我國事業單位將以安全文化為核心價值,並以持續改善的目標邁進,追求永續經營。


After the Chernobyl disaster, the growth of safety concept has received considerable concern. International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group promoted the term of safety culture in Summary Report on the Post-Accident Review Meeting on the Chernobyl Accident, and International Atomic Energy Agency has published a number of publications that clearly defined and explained the meaning of safety culture. Thereafter, the concept of safety culture was disseminated rapidly. Safety culture is part of organizational culture. Organizations with a proactive safety culture can effectively reduce work related injuries as well as enhance their reputation. Despite the Council of Labor Affairs’ active promotion of Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System Guidelines since 2008, most of the organizations are merely interested in obtaining the certificate rather than seizing the opportunity to build a sound safety culture. This study conducted exhaustive literature survey in order to compile the meaningful attributes of safety culture models. It is concluded that the most influencing factors of safety culture, considering the current status of occupational health and safety management systems in most Taiwanese organizations, are management commitment, communication, resources and training, responsibility and employee involvement, and learning organization. Because of the lack of management commitment and employee involvement in most Taiwanese organizations implementing OHSAS 18001 or the Council of Labor Affairs endorsed management system guidelines, this study proposes the adoption of ISO 31000’s approach on risk management. The strategy for effective implementation of a safety culture model includes the principles, framework and process. The principles outline the fundamentals of safety culture while the framework is aimed to build the foundation to implement the safety culture process. A stage-wise model is adopted in this study. The model consists of three stages, i.e., the foundation building, culture developing, and core value creating. It is hoped that the proposed ISO 31000-based implementation strategy for safety culture can assist Taiwanese organizations shift their focus from regulatory and management system requirements compliance to safety culture.


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