  • 學位論文

「大」女人的美麗與哀愁—— 《敗犬女王》電視劇研究

The “beauty” and the “sadness” of the “Makeinu”: Research on TV Drama “My Queen”

指導教授 : 黃清順


「敗犬」文化作為近幾年新聞媒體的話題,此文化潮流更衍生了在經濟面的強大商機。而其之所以引發筆者的研究興趣,是由於筆者認為這其中有與日本文化接收向度相關的探討,也有「電視劇」、「偶像劇」作為傳播媒介,其在社會議題、文化娛樂、流行影響等各向度的不同思考面向。   本研究主要可分為三個部分:分別是日、台敗犬議題電視劇之粗略比較、女性性別意識在《敗犬女王》中的呈現、戲劇包裝方式對於成功正面化敗犬概念的探討。   在比較日、台電視劇的章節中,選擇了《長假》、《三十拉警報》、《熟女真命苦》、《熟女在身邊》等四部堪稱經典的日劇,簡介了它們的開創性何在,以及與《敗犬女王》中女性形象的差異比較。在這個向度的討論中,較著重男女主角間情感依賴的關係。而像《敗》劇中女主角單無雙這類的女性,是註定要與既定的父權結構有所衝撞的,筆者試圖以兩種不同的視角—女性主義、反女性主義,來闡釋其中的情節、來觀看該劇呈現的性別意識。在「偶像劇」中,有其一定的產製、行銷包裝的方式和套數,在這個層次中,筆者著重在劇中人格特質的討論上,由劇中各色男女的人格特質,試圖為現代女性、男性熟齡未婚現象做出解釋。   研究的結論顯示台灣和日本的敗犬女性,其生長年代同樣經歷國家經濟前景看好的繁盛時代,但在她們長成後,經濟、價值觀等各項不確定因素使得男男女女不再勇敢投入婚姻生活。在性格上,台灣方面的敗犬較延續傳統「女強人」性格中的強悍,而日本敗犬女性則較為溫和。《敗》劇有其開創性的特色,有別於一般偶像劇男女主角經濟條件上的落差,然而其收視群鎖定為適宜闔家觀賞的大眾通俗文化類型,是故它又無法對既有體制做太大程度的反抗,仍然必須與主流文化對話以保障收視率。在那些年社會經濟普遍低迷的狀態下,作品更意圖呈現出其撫慰治療人心的效果。


女性 偶像劇 電視劇 敗犬


“Failure to launch” (Makeinu) has been a hot topic in media for quite a time. As a researcher, it aroused my research motivation because it could provide me with popular culture influence and social issue studies. In addition, “Makeinu” is a vocabulary invented in Japan; it would be very interesting to discuss the acceptances of Japanese culture in Taiwan in such a long term.  I selected several Japanese Trendy Dramas to compare and contrast with Taiwanese TV Drama “My Queen”. I tried to focus on their uniqueness and the relationships between the cast. Women like the heroine in “My Queen”, they are bound to conflict with the traditional paternity system. And I discuss the plots in two ways, including feminism and anti-feminism, since the drama showed both to the audience. As a TV Drama, or Trendy Drama, it has fixed formulas to present the drama on producing and promoting. In this dimension, I focused on the discussion of people’s personalities in the dramas, and attempted to explain the phenomena of “to marry at a late age”.  The conclusion of this study shows that no matter Taiwanese “Makeinu” or Japanese “Makeinu”, they both grew up in the society which the country was in the most blooming economic status. However, the economic situation has become worse and worse in recent years. For economy’s sake, women or men no longer step into marriage bravely just like before. In shaping the characters of the heroines in TV dramas, Taiwanese “Makeinu” is much more powerful than Japanese “Makeinu”. Japanese “Makeinu” is more comforting in relationships. “My Queen” aims to the popular culture and audience, although it successfully made some adjustments in the hero and heroines’ social and economic status, it still has to have a “conversation” between the main stream culture. In those years, lives of the masses weren’t so good because of the economic situation. It is clear that the drama tried to comfort and heal people’s mind in its own way.




