  • 學位論文


The Effects of Circuit Exercise Training on Functional Fitness in Middle-Aged and Older Adults

指導教授 : 王秀華 李淑芳


據目前臺灣人口年齡攀升的趨勢,對抗身體老化所帶來的行動問題,將是每個人遲早都會面臨到的,而環狀運動當中的油壓式阻力訓練,便是能符合中老年人的使用安全性,過去眾多研究中也發現,阻力訓練對健康老年人的肌肉表現可增加20%以上,改善行動困擾,但對於中老年人的研究卻甚少。研究目的:探討中老年人介入八週油壓式阻力環狀運動課程訓練後,對於中老年人功能性體適能之影響。研究方法:以嘉義地區中老年人為研究對象,採自由意志參加,由年齡介於50至75歲之中老年人,透過問卷及訪問老年人自述身體健康狀況,由研究人員篩檢,選出適合參與油壓式阻力環狀運動的中老年者,經篩選後,對照組11人(62.21±4.54歲、158.95±6.12公分、64.15±5.43公斤)、實驗組9人(61.50±5.77歲、159.56±7.39公分、58.38±4.82公斤),共計20位參與實驗。實驗工具為五種不同油壓式阻力訓練機台及五塊踏板,將器材擺放成圓環式的運動方式,並搭配音樂進行,每次訓練約90分鐘。介入八週的運動課程訓練後,以功能性體適能前後測,並且個別作分析與比較前後之差異性。統計資料分析:一、以one-way ANCOVA進行組間分析。二、顯著差異p值小於.05。研究結果:經八週環狀運動後,在本功能性體適能當中,除了下肢肌力(p>.05)與動態平衡(p>.05)未達顯著水準外,其餘的上肢肌力、柔軟度與有氧能力測驗部分,皆有較佳的顯著差異(p<.05)。結論:介入八周環狀運動後,在功能性體適能檢測成績上,大部分是有顯著差異的,其表示此八周的環狀運動可促進增加中老年人的下肢肌力、柔軟度以及心肺有氧等能力。


Purpose: To investigate the effects of Circuit Exercise Training with Hydraulic Resistence on Function Fitness in Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults. Methods: Twenty volunteers were recruited in this study, including 11 people in control group (62.21 ± 4.54 years, 158.95 ± 6.12 cm, 64.15 ± 5.43 kg) and 9 in the experimental group (61.50 ± 5.77 years, 159.56 ± 7.39 cm, 58.38 ± 4.82 Kg). Subjects were divided into experimental group by their personal preference. By interviewing elderly people with surveys who describe about their own physical heath approach. The researchers selected by the screening qualified and suitable to participate annular hydraulic resistance on functional fitness in elderly persons. The experimental tool are 5 different hydraulic resistance training machines and five pedals, which played with music and placed into a ring-like annular movement pattern. After the training of eight-week exercise program, the subjects were measured before and after the functional fitness, and made analysis and comparison of the differences before and after the program individuality. Statistical data analysis: The experimental analysis method dependent sample one-way ANCOVA analysis between groups. Significant level was set at α=.05. Results: After eight weeks circular motion, there are significant differences better (p<.05) in this functional fitness among upper limb muscle strength, flexibility and aerobic capacity test section, in addition to lower extremity strength (p>.05) and dynamic balance (p>.05) below the level of significance. Conclusion: The experimental group had significant improvement on functional fitness test scores. Therefore, this result indicate that elderly people can promote increasing lower limb muscle strength, flexibility and cardio capabilities though the eight-week circuit exercise training with hydraulic resistance.


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