  • 學位論文

我國色情理容院人力資源管理樣態之探討: 以中南部非都會鄉鎮為例

Patterns of Human Resource Management in Pornographic Massage Parlors:Examples of Nonmetropolitan Counties in Central and Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 藍科正


摘要 本研究係探討我國色情理容院的人力資源管理之樣態,包含招募甄選、教育訓練、薪資福利、安全衛生四大構面,並探討經濟景氣、同行競爭、全球化等外部因素,是否對其管理措施造成影響。本研究採質化研究取向,以半結構式的訪談大綱與立意抽樣方法,共訪談台灣中南部5位色情理容院業者,以及一家理容院的2位工作者。 本研究的探索顯示:我國色情理容院屬於遊走法律邊緣經營的營業單位,在尚未設立性產業專區的情況下,其性交易係以合法掩飾非法,此乃政府失能,消極不介入之故。工作者的招募以雙方合意為原則,但有容貌和年齡歧視之虞;教育訓練少;工作者的勞動條件採承攬拆帳;工時長,但依生意好壞而彈性管理。業者為了規避責任,常要求工作者和顧客必須「帶出場」性交易,其過程是否戴險套或定期健檢皆由工作者自理。 本研究建議政府應對有登記的色情場所,統一發放執照管理,課以業者主動要求工作者定期健康檢查的責任,並加強保險套的使用教育,提供匿名性高的性病檢查服務。政府亦應鼓勵色情行業地上化,透過積極管理,對色情場所進行勞動檢查,以保障工作者的權益。 關鍵字:色情理容院、招募甄選、教育訓練、薪資福利、安全衛生


Abstract This study investigated the patterns of human resource management in pornographic massage parlors in Taiwan, including four dimensions: recruitment & selection, education & training, pay & benefits management, and safety & health. The study also explored whether the external factors, such as economic climate, counterpart competition, and globalization etc., impacted the management practices or not. A qualitative research approach was adopted through in-depth interviews of five enterprises in the middle and southern part of Taiwan. The interviewees included five managers, and two workers in one of the pornography massage parlors. This study found that even though pornographic massage parlors in Taiwan was a legitimate industry, but under the circumstances of no government approved sex industrial area, sex trade was actually illegal. The principle of recruiting was in agreement, but there might be appearance and age discrimination; there was little education and training; the workers contract for an entire work; there were long working hours, but flexible management was employed based on the business profit. The managers often asked workers and customers who had sex trade to “go out” in order to avoid the responsibility, and the workers made the decision themselves if they would wear condoms or have regular health examination. . This study suggests that the government should provide license to the pornographic massage parlors which have registered, regulate the managers to take the responsibility to ask the workers to do health examination regularly, promote safe sex by using condoms, offer highly anonymous services about venereal diseases. The government should also encourage the porn industry to disclosure, and through active management, pornographic places labor inspection to protect the interests of workers. Key words: pornographic massage parlors, recruitment and selection, education and training, pay and benefits management, safety and health


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