  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡榮祥


在我們日常生活中,普遍存在著資訊不對稱的現象,能夠掌握資訊的一方佔有優勢,雖然現代社會科技發達資訊取得方便,但想要在浩瀚無垠的資訊宇宙中,獲取有用資訊需要相當程度的專業,否則縱使搜尋到資訊,沒有專業的分析能力,可能只是一知半解,甚至可能被不正確的資訊誤導。 「鄉鎮市區調解委員會」是民眾最常利用來解決紛爭的地方,調解的案件類型高達八成是車禍傷害糾紛,因此,「鄉鎮市區調解委員會」的效能與車禍傷害保險理賠具有密切關係,而有關車禍保險理賠牽涉到的層面包含強制汽車責任保險及任意第三人責任保險兩大部分,一種是政策性保險理賠寬鬆,另一種是商業性保險理賠範圍較廣但審查核定理賠較嚴格,也因這兩種保險理賠方式及範圍複雜,非一般民眾所能輕易理解,因此,才會有熟悉保險理賠程序的「代辦保險理賠業者」出現,從業人員以代辦爭取保險理賠金之名,行剝削受害者之實。 本文探究的主要問題是何特定的委託人寧可選擇非正式的代理人來處理其所發生的衝突和糾紛?次要問題是正式的紛爭調解機制所面臨的困境為何? 研究發現:正式制度的效能被懷疑時,當事人會選擇非正式制度;如果正式制度的效能較高時,其比較會被民眾選擇用來解決紛爭和衝突尤其是車禍事件;如果調解委員的評選制度以及考核制度能夠建立的話,就能夠減少民眾選擇非正式機制的機會以及民眾被隱藏性的資訊所欺騙或隱瞞。




In our daily lives, with the prevalence of the information asymmetry phenomenon, one who can grasp the information is in an advantageous position. Although technology advanced and information obtained easy in modern society, if you want to obtain useful information in the universe of vast expanse requiring a considerable degree of expertise; otherwise, even if the information is obtained, no professional analysis capabilities, may be just a little knowledge, and may even be misled by incorrect information. “Township Mediation Committee” is a place where the local people most often use to resolve dispute, and the mediation types accounting for 80% is the accident damage dispute. Therefore, the performance of “Township Mediation Committee” is closely related to the insurance claim against car accident injuries, and the level of involvement related to the accident insurance claims include two parts as Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance and the Third Party Liability Insurance; one is the insurance policy with relax claims, the other is a commercial insurance with wide range of claims, but more stringent review of approved claims. And because the manner and scope of these two insurance claims are complex that no general public can easily understand; therefore, the “insurance claims agent” who is familiar with insurance claims appear that the practitioners in name of fighting the insurance claim payment to actually implement the exploitation of victims. The main issue of this article is to explore what kind of specific client prefers informal agents to deal with conflicts and disputes happened to him/her? The minor issue is to explore what are the difficulties of a formal dispute mediation system faced? The study found: when the performance of formal system is suspected, the parties will choose the informal system; if the formal system has higher performance, it will be more selected by the public to resolve disputes and conflicts, especially car accident; if the mediation committee’s selection system and assessment system can be established, then it is possible to reduce the chance of people to choose informal mechanisms and the public being deceived and concealed by hidden information.


information asymmetry


