  • 學位論文


Influence of Cycling Cadence on Subsequent Running Economy

指導教授 : 王順正


目的:本研究目的在瞭解鐵人三項選手,於不同踩踏頻率 (60 rpm、100 rpm、自選 rpm) 的騎車運動後,對隨後跑步運動經濟性的影響。方法:以7名(年齡26.43±6.81歲、身高173.86±6.24公分、體重64.00±5.86公斤)鐵人三項選手為研究對象。受試者首先接受跑步漸增負荷的最大攝氧量 (maximal oxygen uptake, 以下簡稱 VO2max) 測驗,以及自行車最大作功負荷 (maximal workload, 以下簡稱 Wmax) 測驗之後,以平衡次序的方式,分別進行三次10分鐘固定作功量 (70% Wmax) 的低 (60 rpm)、高 (100 rpm) 以及自選踩踏頻率的騎車運動,隨後進行70%最大攝氧量時之速度 (以下簡稱 vVO2max) 跑步10分鐘。三次跑步運動過程中皆以Cortex能量代謝系統進行採氣,並且以攝氧量的高低來代表運動經濟性。每次測驗至少間隔48小時。結果:低 (60 rpm)、高 (100 rpm)、以及自選踩踏頻率 (109.14±4.47 rpm) 進行15分鐘70% Wmax強度的騎車運動後,三次跑步的攝氧量 (49.31±3.82、47.84±4.17、46.20±4.98 ml/min/kg) 皆達顯著差異 (p < 0.05)。跑步第1分鐘後之攝氧量即不再顯著改變。結論:在70% Wmax強度下,以100 rpm與自選踩踏頻率 (109.14±10.06 rpm) 踩踏頻率騎車10分鐘,會出現較高的隨後70% vVO2max速度跑步的運動經濟性。


踩踏頻率 攝氧量 鐵人三項


Purpose:The aim of this study was to examine the influence of different cycling cadences (60rpm, 100rpm, free chosen) on subsequent running economy. Methods:Seven Triathletes (age 26.43±6.81 years, Height173.86±6.24cm, Weight64.00±5.86kg) performed two incremental tests (running and cycling) to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and maximal workload (Wmax) values, and then completed three run-cycle sessions (15minute cycle, 10 minute run) in random order. During the cycling bouts of run-cycle sessions, subjects had to maintain one of the three cycling cadences which would be 60 rpm, 100 rpm, and preferred cadence selected by the subject on the fixed workload value (70% Wmax). The parameter of speed in the running bouts of cycle-run session was determined as the 70% running speed in the VO2max tests. The value of oxygen uptake during the 10minute running bouts was deemed as the indicator of running economy. There must be at least 48 hour gap between each cycle-run session. Results:A significant difference (p < 0.05) of oxygen uptake (49.31±3.82、47.84±4.17、46.20±4.98 ml/min/kg ) was found in the running bouts of cycle-run session. Conclusions:Cycling at intensity corresponding to 70% Wmax with the 109 rpm pedaling cadence can enhance economy in subsequent running. However, it requires further research to discover whether there will always be a positive correlation between the cycling cadence and running efficiency.


Cycling Cadence Oxygen uptake Triathlon


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